Happy New Year!!! Greatings from Buenos Aires and Punta Del Este, Uraguay

So, I’m out of the Hamptons for a few days and I’m now officially in the Hamptons of South America; Punta Del Este in Uraguay. Yes, they have great restaurants, tons of shopping Tiffany’s – they had an awesome opening party two nights ago and it’s a beautiful store, Prada, Gucci, etc.

If you stay away from those stores it’s actually quite inexpensive. How to describe the area? Well it’s beautiful with pristin beaches and has a very European flair. Check out the photo to the left. That’s the hotel where I’m blogging now. It’s a little rustic but is located in one of the most spetacular locations in the area; Punta Ballena.

My only bad news, never rent a car from a local service. The cars are lemons. Otherwise, if you drive it’s actually quite easy. I’ll post another update in a day or two. I hope everyone is having a great holiday!!!

1 thought on “Happy New Year!!! Greatings from Buenos Aires and Punta Del Este, Uraguay”

  1. Hi Patrick, I just came back from Punta del Este and I found the city and the people amazing. I rented a flat with Buenos Aires apartments and it has been an extremely pleasant experience which I can recommend to everyone who plans to go to Buenos Aires.

    I spent there a week in an apartment in La Barra, the location was what I expected and the feeling of the people and the trendy restaurants and shops were just amazing. A must go place! best Tommy


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