Another blog about buidings, dogs and people!

I’m surprised more people dont know about the SPRINGS DOG PARK but given how the town is slowly trying to keep the fidos off the beach, I have a feeling more and more folks will start discovering it. Well maybe not today, given all of the snow we have.

The park is an open 42-acre former nursery, in which vehicles are prohibited, comprises about half the park. It is reached by a long driveway from Three Mile Harbor Road. It’s right past Squaw Rd on your right as you’re heading away from town.

You would think everyone loves a place where man’s best friend is allowed to frolic freely, but then again you have to remember this is East Hampton. Some of the neighbors are a bit cranky about the whole situation, including Councilman Brad Loewan who recently was quoted, “The majority of people in my community . . . feel excluded due to discomfort with dogs, fear, or whatever their reasons may be,” he said, vowing to make good on a campaign promise “to regain the park for everyone.”
Ummmm… Brad, there’s like 50 other parks out here where there are no dogs. Lighten up!

But thank god for a voice of reason Town Councilwoman Pat Mansir rebutted Mr. Loewen’s comments. “I think you’ve got one hell of a nerve,” she told him. “This is one park in this town that people use it and love it. We’re trying to make this park accessible to people…. who want to go down there whether they have a dog or not.”

Anyway, I love this park , I love the dogs there and it’s really one of the unique spaces that make the Hamptons special. When you’re there… make sure you walk to the end and check out the dog log. This was originally on the beach and owners would carve there dogs names into it. A few years ago, somebody brought the log to the park and there it stays!! Cool huh?

My Hamptons/Metropolitan diary observation of this week was at the Hampton Boooks store in East Hampton. A very smartly dressed man took a copy of Sarah Palin’s book “Going Rogue” and placed it in the “FICTION” section. If you have a diary moment… send it to me, I’d be happy to report.

It’s a McDeja Vu. The good, the bad and the muddy of Hamptons Java!

OK, it’s really snowy and I’m home bound… so that means I’m doing some heavy duty boredom surfing. Once story I came across gave me a serious blast from the past. Suing McDonalds because the coffee was hot!!?!!? HELLO, didn’t you read the side of the cup? Well apparently one woman in Oregon didn’t. She has sued her local McDonald’s after spilling hot coffee from the drive-thru window on herself. She claims that the coffee was too hot and the lid loose, and now wants $7,500 in damages. Maybe she needs to start ordering iced coffee!

Oh it gets better. This McMoron is claiming she went into “nervous shock,” endured pain and has scarring. She seeks $7,182 for her pain and suffering, plus another $318 for lost wages and medical expenses. What ever happened to personal responsibility?!?! But more importantly, why would anyone order McDonalds coffee?!!?! It sucks!!! French fries, burgers or even ice cream… fine… but coffee?!!!? EWWWWW.


So this got me thinking, I want to spill= the beans on coffee in the Hamptons! Who has the best and worst JOE in town!!? I’m not going to discuss price because a good cup of coffee is priceless to me!!

Well we have to mention STARBUCKS first. It is what it is…. bold, smooth, hot and a generally decent cup of coffee.

The next big dog in town is THE GOLDEN PEAR. Now, I know I’m not a coffee purist I actually love their French Roast and Hazelnut. It’s hot…. fresh… and smooth. It’s my favorite in town!

The HAMPTON COFFEE COMPANY is a great cup when it comes to their house blend. Smooth and bold without being overwhelming.

Now it’s time to sling some mud! McDonalds, Hamptons Market and Bridgehampton Deli… the homes to some of the worst coffee in the Hamptons. My complaint on all three is it’s bitter. Also when it comes to H Market, the coffee is often old an cold. Skip it if you can!

Finally, Java Nation in Sag Harbor. Now, I know some people love it but their brew could be used to remove barnacles from Shelter Island Ferry. It’s strong!!! Yes, they roast their own beans and people say the stuff is awesome but I find it taste like a big cup of burnt toast. Now that’s my two cents on Hamptons Java!!! Cheers!

Ok, Wall Street…. you got the money! Let’s do some biz!!! But you don’t have to be a player to invest like one!!!

In case you missed it, yesterdys New York Times had an article called “The Bonus Bounce.” Most of my friends in the business were charged by the piece. I’ll include the link so you can read for yourself but the bottom line is that the Wall Street bonuses aren’t what they used to be but neither are real estate prices… so the smart money is investing in you got it… property! In the city, they’ve noticed an uptick and to be honest we’re seeing it in the Hamptons too! While it’s not back to 2006 or 2007 just yet, it’s a heck of a lot better than a year ago!!

So what’s bringing buyers back faster than Al Pacino in Godfather III? According to one Wall Streeter quoted in the article, this is the right time. “It’s more the value now,” he said. “Real estate has bottomed out, and it’s time to step in.”
I couldn’t agree more… or be more relieved.

I mean think about it. He will receive an $8,000 tax credit, which he wouldn’t receive if he puts the property ito contract after April 30 of this year. That’s $8,000! While it won’t furnish the place, it don’t hurt and can help cover some moving expenses.

This guy will get an interest rate close to 5%. If he continues to wait he’ll probably pay at least 6% and perhaps as high as 7½ to 8%. The Wall Street Jornal said, “Think about the connection between interest rates and prices. If prices come down another 10% but interest rates increase by 1 percentage point, that would mean the same monthly payment today versus waiting.”

Also, he will reap the benefits when housing prices come back. Housing will come back. It always does. Prices should be back to a high in about 10 years…. once again real estate will prove to be the best and most consistant long term investment around. As Lex Luthor’s father said to him right before he said “get out,” people “always need a place to live.”