If you haven’t seen AVATAR… don’t read today’s blog!

I saw this on the Internet and it is by far one of the most hilarious things I’ve seen in awhile. While I’ve been calling AVATAR “Dances with Nevi,” someone else saw the parallels between the blockbuster and another famous tale/movie. Now, I think AVATAR has it’s merits but it’s not James Cameron’s best (Titanic or Aliens in my humble opinion). Anyway, enjoy and have a great weekend everyone. FYI, in case you haven’t seen it yet it’s playing in East Hampton tonight at 6 and 9:30.

It’s a strange, strange, strange world out there!!! Especially the Hamptons!

First off, let me say to everyone “Happy New Year!” Let’s hope that 2010 is the year everyone is hoping it will be and better than 2009!

Today, I was reading the online edition of the Real Deal Magazine which posed the question to some real estate agents in New York City, “what’s the strangest experience you ever had at an open house?” While more than a few involved walking in on an unsuspecting couple in bed either sleeping, reading the newspaper in the nude or procreating there were a few I found a little hard to believe. So with this in mind I’m giving you the link to the real deal article and reflecting on some of the more unusual experiences I had conducting an open house. BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY GETS WEIRDER IN THE HAMPTONS!


I think the oddest and perhaps most unnerving was conducting and open house for a couple who were in the midst of a divorce. I came to the open house about 10 minutes early, set up my sign-in sheets and signs and sat waiting to do my best imitation of Alec Baldwin in GLENGARY GLENN ROSS … although I think it was a little closer to Annette Benning in American Beauty. Well as my first few prospects came in to preview the home, the soon to be ex-wife arrived and started yelling “F” bombs at the soon to be ex-husband. It turns out that couple were not speaking and while the husband was aware of the open house, he never told the wife. Hmmmmmmmmm. LOVELY! Suffice to say, nobody bought the house that day and all but one overly nosey viewer split as soon as the screaming started.

Some other quick odd OPEN HOUSES; the neighbor who came to look at their neighbors house because they hated each other and wanted to see the inside… and the weirdest… the girlfriend who came to the open house to see if there were photographs of her in the house when she wasn’t around.

Finally if you ever come to an open house I’m selling don’t be nosey. One of these days I’m loading the medicine cabinet with ping pong balls.

Happy New Year!!! Greatings from Buenos Aires and Punta Del Este, Uraguay

So, I’m out of the Hamptons for a few days and I’m now officially in the Hamptons of South America; Punta Del Este in Uraguay. Yes, they have great restaurants, tons of shopping Tiffany’s – they had an awesome opening party two nights ago and it’s a beautiful store, Prada, Gucci, etc.

If you stay away from those stores it’s actually quite inexpensive. How to describe the area? Well it’s beautiful with pristin beaches and has a very European flair. Check out the photo to the left. That’s the hotel where I’m blogging now. It’s a little rustic but is located in one of the most spetacular locations in the area; Punta Ballena.

My only bad news, never rent a car from a local service. The cars are lemons. Otherwise, if you drive it’s actually quite easy. I’ll post another update in a day or two. I hope everyone is having a great holiday!!!

We’re not in Bridgehampton anymore!!!

Just checking in for a flight out of the country. I got here way early due to the heightened security alert due to a certain incident that happend in Detroit. Well there I was wandering past the Wok and Roll and the Del Taco when low and behold I see it’s “Bobby Van’s.” Yes, the watering hole and hangout for AA dropouts from all over the Hamptons. It’s an abbreviated menu but the food is pretty good. It’s located in the American Airlines terminal. Notice the dark wood interior… much different than the Sabarro pizza in Islip Airport. Consider it your last taste of the Hamptons before that out of town flight