Voice mail a day late, dropped called, unsent text messages and lots of screaming “Can you hear me now!?” Yes, phone service is that bad in the Hamptons. If you’re curious how bad, look no further than the map right below. It’s from a website called Open Signal (you can click here)and it details just how difficult it is to get a call through on the East End. To add more fuel to the fire, consider the surge of summer visitors (all with smart phones) which tax an already inadequate number of cell towers to the point where communicating is virtually impossible. But it’s more than just a problem with AT&T, Verizon or T-mobile. We the residents of the Hamptons need to speak out to our elected officials and say, allow new towers to go up. It’s not a matter of cell phones being a luxury, they are a necessity not only in business and basic communications but in safety as well. So many residents out here don’t even have land lines and the spotty service is now endangering lives. Our officials are doing what we on the East End tell them to do. But enough is enough, we need to bite the bullett and run the risk of having towers in our own back yards so perhaps we can avoid a tragedy before it happens.
Meanwhile, there is a big rumor floating around Sag Harbor. Unfortunately, I’m having
a hard time confirming but several well placed sources have told me Citarella will soon be landing in the village. I don’t want to say where it will be going but thank heaven you folks don’t need me to tell you. So, is it a good thing or bad thing? That depends upon who you ask. I will say it’s almost as controversial as when CVS was coming to town. Look for some shuttered doors in the fall and the market to be going into the vacant spaces after a major renovation.
Thank Heaven! A great location —-and parking?
What we don’t need is another Citerellas. Why can’t Fairway come out.
They have monopoly out here. We don’t need