Ok something nice about this weather! Yes, that is my finger!!! PLUS MUSINGS ON WHY BEAGLES ARE JUST BAD!!!!

I know I’ve been bad about blogging here but I promise I’ll be better in 2011! Anyway, as you can see by the photo, the Hamptons CAN be fun in the winter. This is the Buckskill Skating Club, located on yes… you guessed right.. Buckskill Rd. in East Hampton. My suggestion though is if you’re not under 9 years old (which I am not, although some say I look young for my age) go during the week when it’s not so crowded with daredevil youngsters. I mean I don’t want to break a hip or anything!! Not that I would since I’m so young. I wrote about this last year and how for about $20 you can rent skates, exercise outside and breathe some fresh air.

Now on to other topics. Real quick, rumors galore about what restaurants are moving where. Let me tell you I’m hearing from a reliable source that Bamboo is not becoming ALMOND. Apparently there will be a new sushi restaurant in the location and they’re souping up the place and hoping to be open before April.

The other rumor about NICHOL’S.. they are still very much open and the food is actually as good as before and perhaps even a little better and less greasy! I know that’s a turn off for some.
Finally, here is Russell. He’s my recently adopted BEAGLE/JACK RUSSELL TERRIER mix. He’s apparently got a new hobby. He likes running back and forth over the invisible fence and giving him self a little jolt! I can’t figure it out why he continues to do this! Anyone having any suggestions I’ll be happy to hear them.

Finally, what Hamptons real estate agent WAS actually a female prison guard. We all know she looks the part but did you know she REALLY WAS a guard!??? I’m just asking!

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