Apparently they’re off and offering on Madoff’s Montauk pad! While the price in my view may be a bit high, it’s not too far off. Anyway, a short blog today. I’m off to Isatanbul! (Insert Midnight Express Joke here!)
I want to go to the drive-in but Homer’s had too much fudge and I think the Bride and the Groom just broke up!!!!
My apologies. I was out of town and I in my infinite wisdom forgot the power cord to my laptop. That of course meant … NO BLOGGING! I hope at least somebody missed me. So where was I? I had the joy of visiting Saugatuck Michigan. I was kind of freaked out actually, the people there were actually friendly and said “thank you, good morning and excuse me.” It was JUST like Citarella on Saturday afternoon!!! hahahahahhahahhahha!
I ended up staying at the Wickwood Inn, which is owned by Julee Russo, one of the founders of the original Silver Palate. It was actually pretty wonderful. The breakfast which was freshly baked every morning , a strata (sp?) one day, apple bread pudding the next and freshly baked cinnamon rolls the next. No, I didn’t go spinning and yes my pants are a bit tighter today. If you ever go there, the staff is wonderful and the overall experience made the fact I was in MICHIGAN for Independence Day a little less painful! In fact, I’d love to go back… but I’ll never admit it.
So I’m going to give you the highlights of my journey. Night one at about 1:00am while talking quietly in my room, I hear a knock at the door where a guy was asking through the door, “can I borrow your phone – I need to call 911.” Um, OK. Is everyone, OK? Let’s call 911 now!!! “No”, he responds, “I just need to get a hold of someone, I’m here on my honeymoon and my wife just left me. She took my cell phone, my cash and my credit cards!” Woah! Bummer. I got the dirt the next morning from the other guests that they had been bickering since the afternoon and it blew up later that night. Wow, I guess they won’t be coming back for their anniversary!!! Is it too late to put therapy on the gift registration list?!!
OK, finally… my favorite quotes from the weekend. A woman to her friend at a coffee shop in Douglas, Michigan; “You know, Harriet’s trailer is actually quite comfortable once you get used to it being so small?”
Quote two: A mother to her overweight adolescent son, “Homer, you had fudge for breakfast and fudge for lunch… you’re going to have a sensible dinner!”
Quote three: A randy teenage lad: “I don’t want to go hang out in town, I do better at bars when the girls are wasted.” Yup!!! It was an interesting weekend!!