I’m sweaty and I’m in pain… and that’s the good news. For those of you just coming out east for the first time since last year, Zone Hampton has undergone some changes. Gone are the old stationary spin cycles, and in are RealRyder Core Balance bikes. According to local legend (Sam who does the check in) these bikes help you burn up to 30% more calories than a normal spin class. I need to burn more calories too… my closet is starting to look like the “huskies” section from MEN’S WEARHOUSE. The manufacturers web site states that this bike “It tilts, turns, and banks like an outdoor bike–works out the core, upper body, legs, cardio, and improves balance the way other indoor cycling bikes can’t.” The first time I tried to get on I fell off the bike, which is better than falling off the wagon!

I went Sunday, Wed and this morning and I feel like Grandpa Walton. Zone Hampton is great, the instructors are fun and the occasional star watching is fun too; Matthew Broderick was in one of my classes and Renee Zellwegererereazzxer… you know the chick from “Jerry Maguire” has been spotted. This in spite of the fact she came skillfully disguised in hat and sunglasses (which must have caused even more sweating). If you happen to know Ms Renee, tell her shouting and squealing like a mouse caught in a glue trap can blow your cover! Anyway, more information about the classes? Go to… http://www.ridethezone.com/.
While going fast at spin class is good… going fast anywhere in the Hamptons is very bad. The Hamptons have always been a bad place for future Andretti’s but this year it seems worse! They’re are speed traps everywhere!!! I mean EVERYWHERE! If you don’t carry a fresh box of Krispe Creme donuts I advise you all to mind the speedometer. So… what are you to do… keep the following in mind:
-East Hampton… don’t go down Race Lane on weekend mornings if you have an expired inspection sticker. The town police are often there checking every car that goes by.
-Main St. Sag Harbor, East and Southampton… don’t speed… not only is it dangerous (pedestrians pop out of cars all of the time) but they’re there with radar guns… ALL OF THE TIME!
-Coming into Southampton where route 27 enters into Southampton by Mason Ole or as I call it Mason Ptomaine! Anyway, the nasty signs are gone.. but the speed traps are not!!!
-Finally on Scuttle Hole Rd. in Water Mill where it meets Head of Pond, don’t’ even think of speeding… not only will you get a ticket but you may very well be eating venison for dinner and have a hefty hefty repair bill for the new cracked grill! Personally, I find venison too gamy so I drive the speed limit!
If you don’t want to take my advice and you get busted… I found this website… I’ve never had to use them but i love the address; http://southamptontraffictickets.com/
Finally we’re almost done our sample unit at 21 W. Water St. http://www.21wwater.com/. If you’re on my mailing list don’t worry you’ll be invited to our sunset cocktail soiree in the next week or so! It’s going to be awesome, AWESOME, AWESOME, so make sure you’re on my list and e mail me!! Ciao!

Retail Roundup…. Busy, Busy, Busy…. What Recession!?!?!??!?

Summer 2009 is officially here and despite all the predictions of doom and gloom the Hamptons were HUSTLING! East Hampton town was a virtual gridlock of traffic, even with the sunny weather and warm temperatures. Are they coming to town to shop or to go to the beach!?!? Whatever, local merchants were happy and the cash registers were ringing!

Frank Calvo of East Hampton Pharmacy and Bridgehampton Pharmacy told me he did “THREE times the business he did last year!” In case you haven’t been skip the big chain place and go visit Frank, you’ll get
the personal service and he stocks some of the best and most exclusive sundries (great shampoos and soaps,etc.) found anywhere in the Hamptons. I only have one complaint he doesn’t stock any “Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific,” I’ve been having a miserable time finding it anywhere in the past 30 years!

In Sag Harbor, David of IN HOME said it was much busier than last year. Monday was a winner day for him he told me, this in spite of Main Street being closed for parade early Monday afternoon.
How did the restaurants do!? Killer apparently… The Lodge in East Hampton was packed all weekend… The Pear was Golden in SAG, EH and Southampton… Beacon in Sag Harbor had customers lining up non-stop… and the Palm was filled to the rafters!! So for all of the nay sayers out there… THE HAMPTONS ARE STILL THE PLACE TO BE FOR SUMMER!! It was a great weekend for all, except maybe Rudy Giuiliani who got heckled and verbally assaulted in Bridgehampton. I’m not getting into it… but if you want to read more go here: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2009/05/23/2009-05-23_rudy_giuliani__wife_judy_confronted_by_heckler_in_the_hamptons.html#ixzz0GRUYsoZy&A
See you tomorrow!