Almond will soon toast in a new location… and I’m no longer in 5th grade!!!!

Well I heard it through the grapevine… and not from Marvin Gaye… that Almond will be moving to a new home. Apparently owner Eric Lemonides couldn’t come to terms with the landlord of what I thought for years was a cursed property. Almond proved me wrong! It’s been a hit since day 1. I don’t have any idea where the Almond gang will be moving but the current establishment will be shuttering sometime in early December. Almond is an institution in the Hamptons and I have no doubt Eric’s loyal following out here as well as in the city will follow him! Chelsea Clinton has been reported to be a frequent visitor among a slew of other celebrities but my favorite star siting was always Peter Jennings. He was pretty much a regular there every Friday night back in the day. I guess as one door closes another opens. I only hope Almond moves closer to East Hampton, it would be easier for me! OK, one quick question, with a million vacant restaurant properties (JL East, Star Room, Poxabogue, etc.) in the Hamptons, does the landlord really think now is a good time to play hardball?

Also, a game changer for me. I finally learned how to tie a Windsor Knot! My friend Paul Zweben who is the ultimate metrosexual has long chided me for tying my knots like I was still a 5th grader in Catholic School. Well now my Hermes ties will finally look presentable!! So how did I do it? The way any adult in the 21st century learns anything. I went to YOU TUBE! Ha. Here it is!!