Stuff to do….get your 80’s on! Also, it’s a Cinco de Mayo for a good cause!

Tonight at Stephen Talkhouse.. ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BANDS OF ALL TIME!!! Dave Wakeling and The English Beat will be performing at 8pm tonight in Amagansett. I have to say Dave puts on an amazing show and the music brings back some of my fondest memories of the ’80’s. Ok tickets are a little steep at $70 bucks (you can buy online or at the door) but the intimate atmosphere and the great music make it worth it!!! In case you’re unfamiliar with THE BEAT (their UK name) or THE ENGLISH BEAT here’s a little sample of their tunes.

Tomorrow night at the old Polish Hall.. .which was the old Hampton Hall… which is now the new 230 Elm in Southampton it’s a fiesta with a purpose! Cinco de Mayo Celebration for Time For Teens annual teen bereavement camp. Great evening of fun, music and prizes includes Latin dance instruction with Oscar Gonzalez, DJ, three hour open bar, appetizers, silent auction and raffle. Tickets are $60 in advance or $75 at the door. Purchase tickets at or by calling Laraine Gordon at 631-338-7258

Paris… Manhattan.. San Francisco… and Sag Harbor! We’ve finally made it!!

Its a good day for style hounds in the Hamptons… particularly the men. Finally there’s a place to shop for NICE men’s clothing in the Hamptons. Over the past few years we’ve seen Latham House… Mark, Force and Strike… and Brooks Brothers bite the dust. Now, I know there’s tons of Ralph Lauren shops in East Hampton but sometimes I don’t like wearing the same clothes as 95% of the population! But I digress…. designer Emile Lafaurie is now available at SEAN on Main St., Sag Harbor.

Brilliant colors and sleek designs are abundant in this chic boutique. Owner Sean Cassidy… and no he was never on The Hardy Boys.. has set up shop across the street from the American Hotel! You might SEAN from some of his other locations in Soho and the Upper West Side or even the Marais in Paris. This clothing is not for geeks!!! Anyway, stop by and say hello to manager Vincent Brandi (see photo) he’s friendly, cute and very helpful!

Now speaking of fashion or lack there of…. is it just me or do Lisa Perry’s designs look like they were made as part of a high school “Home Ec” project?! Personally, I think anyone wearing one of her Puke-a-dot designs is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. YOU PAID HOW MUCH!!? I know a 13 year old who’ll do the same dress for about 50 bucks.

Finally, sorry I’ve been busy actually making money and haven’t blogged as much as I should. I heard your nasty sniping I’m lazy, etc. Now, if you don’t stop it, I’ll abandon this blog for ever! We need to all just get along folks!!!

P.S. The English Beat is at the Stephen Talkhouse Friday night!! I’ll write more on this tomorrow!! !

What a beautiful world!!! And is stand up comedy really a good training ground for REAL ESTATE!?

While driving in the pouring rain yesterday I saw a really wonderful site. A sale sign with “In Contract” on it! Yes the Hamptons market really is back! Ok, there was a slightly more beautiful sight yesterday. I was driving along Brick Kiln Rd. when I saw this truly remarkable rainbow! I know it sounds like I’m about to start talking about Care Bears but look at the picture!! It’s pretty spectacular, right!? I’m a decent photog but know know this picture does no justice to how spectacular this really was.

On another note, I received a rather puzzling announcement in my e mail from one of my competitors this morning. Apparently one should tout being a fashion model and a stand up comic when becoming a new agent in the Hamptons!! Fashion model!!!? I guess it doesn’t hurt! I mean nobody wants to work with Quasimodo, right? I personally loved the animated Hunchback! Wait, I’m getting off track! Damn, I should load some of my old photos on the company site, although I’m not very funny. I’m just hoping I can announce soon that RuPaul will soon be an agent! SUPERMODEL-SUPER AGENT!

Finally, my pearl of wisdom for the day. Friends don’t let friends go on facebook after a martini!!!

Perhaps if they just watched “The Secret” one more time!

 Sad news! A little black cloud of bad karma has settled into Sag Harbor. The “metaphysical” shop has shuttered it’s doors. I’m not sure what’s going on in this space but I have no doubt it will have a new tenant soon. Unlike East Hampton, there are few retail vacancies along Main St. Now if I just think it will be a Best Buy the Law of Attraction will make it so.