Lights, Camera, Hamptons!!! Yes, SJP.. you won’t be the only one bringing home the bacon!

Well Ferris Bueller’s days off are finally over. Word has it that Matthew Jessica Broderick has signed up to star in a new series about the Hamptons. According to a report in Reuters, the actor who has been “long courted” by networks to do a television show has finally relented. (What networks where they?! History Channel, Lifetime or worse NBC?!) Yes, it’s NBC but after the great LENO experiment I guess they’re scrambling for anything to fill air!

Anyway, Jessica Broderick is attached to star in NBC’s comedy pilot “Beach Lane,” which was apparently given a green light Monday.

“Beach Lane,” is being produced by Universal Studios and Lorne Michaels’ Broadway Video… and if you have any doubt if it will be a quality project just rent the movies “Superstar, It’s Pat or A Night at the Roxbury! Yes, Mr. Michaels knows funny! The series will revolve around a celebrity author played by Jessica Broderick who is hired by an irresponsible millionaire heir to run his struggling small-town newspaper in the Hamptons. Sounds familiar huh?! Right?!

Now, ok “30 Rock” is one of the best shows on television but without Tina Fey, will this puppy fly? Broderick’s involvement in “Beach Lane” comes on the heels of his guest stint on NBC’s “30 Rock,” which is also produced by Michaels.

Michaels is executive producing “Beach Lane” with Marci (Calvin’s daughter) Klein, a coproducer on “30 Rock.”

So, now can I suggest some characters for the show?! I promise they won’t all be real estate agents but since they are the majority of the inhabitants out here…

Here’s two great characters for the show! In fact, let’s make them a couple who are high powered real estate agents who like going to restaurants, getting toasted and screaming to patrons to “f-ing google” their names!?! I envision lots of hilarity, bar fights and bitch slapping from this duo of characters, what do you think? I think Danny Devitio and Joan Rivers would be perfect casting!!!

Hmmmm… one more… how about the corrupt town mayor who skims money out of the town funds for personal pet projects and personal expenses!! He’ll be charming and suave. I see Larry David cast in this part!!!

OK, my last one… the lovable and dashingly handsome restaurateur who always buys dinner for a handsome and charming real estate blogger!!! I imagine Brad Pitt staring as the restaurant owner. Too obvious!?

Hola! Some new cuisine from South of the border!!

Ok, let’s be real here! The East Hampton Independent just published their review of the new “latin cuisine” restaurant D’Canela in Amagansett. I love the Indy as it’s affectionatly called on the east end … they’re kind of the rogue paper on the East End and they never hesitate to ruffle feathers but I’ve yet to really see a negative review on ANY restaurant. BUT I DIGRESS! Let’s get back to the issue at hand… D’CANELA.

It’s located at 195 Main St., Amagansett the home of the old Main Street Cafe. The decor as you can see from my lousy Iphone picture (but I do love my Iphone, more on that later) is sleek but a little cold. Who knew liquor bottles could ad so much warmth to the decor!? The round neon “open” sign didn’t help much either, I felt like I was dining somewhere in Asbury Park. Even though I felt south of the Jersey border instead of in Mexico, I can tell you the interior was clean and the service was prompt and friendly. I’m sure in time, they’ll get more liquor bottles, warm up the place and have a license to serve booze but in the meantime BYOB and save some dinero!!!!

So how was the food? We started with a mixed green salads and some chips and guacamole. They all got a B+. The salads were fresh and tasty as was the guacamole and the chips were crisp, thick and NOT greasy. So far… So good… they’re already about 10 steps ahead of the inedible BLUE PARROT! Now when it came time for the entrees things went downhill a bit. We weren’t exactly an adventourous crowd. Two chicken and one beef fajita and a mole chicken were the entrees. The fajitas weren’t bad… but they weren’t really good either. First off they came with melted cheese and my friends who are more health concious were NOT happy. Luckily our waitress did her best and got two new ones sans cheese asap! The beef fajita like the chicken was basically meat and onions with sides of salsa, sour and tortillas. The peppers; green, red and jalapeno were all missing. The mole chicken was the best choice. It was moist, tasty and tender (An A-).

All in all, better than Blue Parrot but far lacking anything close to the level of say Rosa’s Mexicana. But it is the Hamptons afterall and it’s January. I think D’Canela will improve in time, let’s just hope they can hang in there during this looooong and so far snowy winter!!!

Take a hike!!! It’s actually a glorious day… something to do for a change!

So the temperature in the Hamptons is relatively warm. Well not 80 degrees warm but high 40’s. Hey it’s not all that bad! If you missed the Polar Bear Plunge a few weeks ago, you still have a great opportunity to get outdoors today and have some fun. My suggestion today is go hang out with a Seal. No, not the singer. The animal.. or mammal… or whatever… this isn’t 5th grade science class people this is LIFE… and I have no idea what they are. But I do know they’re cute. Are they friendly? Well you got me on that one too, although i do hear they’re good conversationalists but you can’t believe a word they say. Everyone knows seals are b.s. artists!

Anyway, hop in the car and head to Montauk. It’s time for the annual seal migration and the best place to see them hanging out is The Montauk State Park seal haulout site. It’s easy to get to but you have to go during low tide. Seals love low tide apparently, who knew!?!? Check the tide tables for a low tide at Montauk Point’s north side. Then check the weather forecast for wind strength and direction; avoid anything too severe unless it’s from the southwest, south or southeast… I have no idea why.

The best access is to park at the south end of Camp Hero Road (near the Point Woods Trailhead), walk across the highway (Route 27) and head north on the well marked “Seal Haulout Trail.” In less than a mile you will reach the low bluff overlooking Block Island Sound and a view of all of the glacial boulders that comprise the playground on which the seals bask.

Although seals can rest, and even sleep, in the water, basking behavior is an important energy conservation strategy. If you want a guided tour check out the COASTAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION SOCIETY OF LONG ISLAND INC.’S website. They frequently run tours in Montauk and in Westhampton.

They also have some tips on seal behavior and other stuff. Have a great weekend everyone!