It’s going to the dogs this weekend!!!!

This Saturday from 11 to 1 pm it’s a Breakfast for Bitches!!! Hey don’t go ballistic on me just yet… it’s for puppies!!! I haven’t been but I’ve been told that Thyme & Again on Noyac Road in Southampton has awesome food. They’re the ones hosting the brunch to benefit Last Chance Animal Rescue Fund to save pregnant female dogs from being killed in the gas chambers. Tickets $40. 631.793.8980 or The dog above was actually available for adoption from LCARF a few weeks ago… I wanted to but my girl Boo had a hissy fit. THEY DIDN’T GET ALONG!! UGH!

These are the same folks who have been flying south to kill shelters and saving dogs by the dozens. Go it’s for a great cause.

Meanwhile, speaking of bitching…. I’m doing it non stop these days, thanks to the hundreds of people who apparently have no idea of how to obey traffic laws. Yes, there’s loads of people parking and driving by braille in the fine villages of the Hamptons. I sware the photo above is a real one… I’m not that good at photoshop anyway!!!

Bad Buoys.. Bad Buoys… watcha gonna do… when they come for you?!?

WELL, WE’RE ALMOST INTO AUGUST… CAN YOU BELIEVE!?!?! Polo is in full gear… the benefits are about 10 a weekend… and the heat is making some people just plain cranky. But you know what?! It doesn’t always have to be hot for some folks to be nasty. Just visit my favorite shop Bagel Buoy in Sag Harbor. It’s kind of like the soup man from Seinfeld but with.. you guessed bagels!!! Don’t ever expect a thank you or courteous response from the people who work there, especially the cashier (who I think is the owner). The bagels are actually pretty good and the salads etc. are fresh but unless you enjoy being chastised while you pay through the nose for some Philly, I suggest you stay clear. When I went there last winter, I haven’t gone back since; I had the pleasure of ordering a turkey burger for (I can’t remember exact prices but follow the story and you’ll get the idea), $4.00. When it came time to pay the cashier imagine my shock when I was told it was $11.00. How did that happen?? Well in a very terse response, the charming gal at the register told me I saw the “old price” on the menu. Hmmm. “Oh, and it’s a dollar for the slice of tomato and a dollar for the piece of lettuce.” Lovely!!!

Also, speaking of service… who get’s the money in the tip jar at AGAVE in Sag Harbor. I’m just asking… but I suspect it isn’t the staff!!! When I order my chicken tacos there… which are awesome, I give the tip directly to the person!!

Finally, I wonder what some sellers are thinking when they list their properties with a real estate agent and they end up with photos like the ones I’m about to post. Most buyers start their search on the internet. Agents use the photos off the agents website to forward to their clients . How in the world do you think you’re going to sell a house with photos like these. FYI… I hire a photographer for 90% of my listings.

YEAH, I’ll rent this as long as I get the shelves!

Well at least you know it’s a good place to Barbeque.






Do you think this is where they shot the movie version of The Secret Garden!!!?

Jon plus 8… in the Hamptons they hate!!

I’ve been busy, now leave me alone! But I’m here blogging, ain’t I!?!?!

You may have missed me… but things haven’t changed much. I did get a big chuckle this morning when my friend John Pascarella who does his daily gossip blurb which he sends to my blackberry had this headline… “DISASTER! Jon Gosselin (Jon and Kate Plus 8) was nearly LAUGHED out of a swanky Hamptons event!” I love that!!! Apparently this reality star who has never heard of Rick Rockwell or Darva Conger… if you haven’t either “google”… is taking himself a bit too seriously! Not looking to win any father of the year contests (his kids are hanging in PA), he was cruising at Polo this weekend in Bridgehampton and apparently got heckled for wearing cheap clothes! Funny when it happens to him… obnoxious when it happens to me!!! Anyway, I poked around and got another scoop, Mr. Gosselin was shocked when he asked a group of folks if they wanted to have their picture taken with them, when they asked “WHY?” he did a quick bee-line to the other side of the tent. Curious about Jon’s outfit.. which doesn’t look that awful; go to

They made fun of that?!?! If you think that’s bad go search out the photos of the centenarian hippies boogeying at that fun fest known as the “Bay Street Gala.” To quote Rodney Dangerfield, they all “must have been something before electricity!”

Finally, some fun photos. Gerry Logue and Sean Cassidy … no relation to David … held there annual “Cocktails by the Bay” at their waterfront home in Sag Harbor benefiting Miracle House ( Check out the photos below. It was really a special event on a beautiful night. My only regret… I didn’t get my photo taken with Joan Allen… A REAL CELEBRITY!

The Hamptons get a topless bar!!!

Did I say topless? I meant tapas.. sorry. The old Allison on School Street just got a make over with a latin flair. COPA is the newest restaurant to enter into the Hamptons food derby.

I managed to make it in there last Friday night. The bar crowd was a bit Bobby Van’s-ish, which means lots of botox and overpriced watches but it was pretty hopping. The layout of the restaurant was impressive, a center zinc topped bar surrounded by dining. I had the meatballs, fried zucchini fritters with dill yogurt sauce, salmon satay, tomato flat bread and a greek salad. The food was amazing and the service was terrific too. THIS, ON THE SECOND NIGHT OF BUSINESS IS A HUGE ACHIEVEMENT. The price was about $50-60 per person including drinks. While this might seem pricey considering the small plates but I walked away full and this is the Hamptons.

Copa is located 95 School Street, Bridgehampton. I don’t know if they take reservations but it can’t hurt to call… 631 613-6469

The only negative comment I have!? They may have a hard time explaining the menu to some of the clueless. Walking out of the restaurant a patron remarked to me, “it was terrific but it got annoying having to order all of those little dishes.” TRUE COMMENT!

Finally a warning for anyone going to the 7-11 in Southampton… the coffee is more expensive than you think!!! On the way back from a recent expedition into the city I decided to stop by and get a cup of coffee. As I reached into my pocket to get a couple bucks, I dropped a $10 bill on the floor. Ask anyone who knows me, I always crumple up my money and have been known to lay it around the office or house like a trail of breadcrumbs out of the woods. Anyway, as I went to reach for the money, the manager reached down and grabbed the bill. Did he hand it to me?!?! NO! I said to him, I dropped that just now! He remarked, “no you didn’t… that’s been there for a long time.” Yeah, 10 dollars was sitting on the floor of 7-11 for more than 20 seconds unclaimed. True story!!!