A Dilemna in Dune Alpin or Preturbed over Ponies!

Some residents of East Hampton’s Dune Alpin are hopping mad!!! What’s their beef? Well according to gossips*, the head of the home owners association gave the OK for a local group to use the agricultural reserve that’s located between Horse Meadow and 27 permission to practice polo. While personally, I think it’s great. I don’t have to schlep to Bridgehampton, put on a cheap plastic bracelet that cuts my circulation and wait in line with the Loser Housewives of wherever! I can take my bottle of seltzer water and go watch on the sidelines without the crowd. If you don’t know the field, normally this time of year it’s knee high with grass and pretty pristine. The owners miss the grass and hate the horse poop especially since a polo field is not a “reserve.” An owners association meeting was held last Sunday night to debate the problem, if I get some answers I’ll let you know.

Also, your chance to help out a good cause and go to one of the coolest cocktail parties of the summer. Gerry Logue and Sean Cassidy are holding their annual Cocktails by the Bay to benefit MIRACLE HOUSE. WWW.MIRACLEHOUSE.ORG ! VISIT THE WEBSITE TO PURCHASE TICKETS. I promise a great time and an awesome silent auction. Plus you can schmooze with actress Joan Allen. I hope to see you there!

* I did not fact check the story… I’m just telling you what I heard!