A verrrrrry scary weekend in the Hamptons!!! And no we’re not talking real estate!!!

Get your ghoul on this weekend. The Hamptons have taken a turn toward the macabre. So I can’t make up my mind as to what costume I’m going to wear. I’m debating between going as a nun or a waiter… although who knows. In fact, I still have nightmares about when I waited tables in college and the nun I had in 5th grade. Both are very scary costumes and their isn’t enough prozac on the east end to help me after that. Anyway, so what to do what to do…

On Saturday two choices or you can grab a red bull and do both!!! From 4-7pm, Jay Plumeri and his wife Rowena along with Dan Shaw are hosting a Saturday afternoon Tea Dance at Race Lane in East Hampton. They’ll have a dj there along with drink specials and one of the best looking crowds anywhere in the Hamptons!! Seriously! They get a good looking crowd at Race Lane! That’s why I go there! DUH! (content deleted by request)

Later on Saturday, it’s the Second (maybe annual) Hollywood Halloween Party at B. Smiths in Sag Harbor. Doors open at 8 pm. $25 cover charge, cash bar. Prizes for best costumes, $500 first prize, $200 second prize $100 third prize. Dj is Karin Ward, lighting and sound by Barry Scott. The theme last year was Hollywood Halloween. It was so popular that they’re doing it again and calling it Hollywood Halloween, The Sequel. Please if I see you there… No Lady Ga-Ga or anyone from the JOISEY SHORE!

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