It’s that time of year, Beach Permits are selling like hot cakes… again!!! Plus, bracing for the rude Hamptons!

Yep, the snow just melted but already we’re fast approaching the end of the line for the most prized posession of Summer 2013!  I’m of course talking about East Hampton Village Beach permits.   While the price has risen to $375.00 for this coming season, that hasn’t stopped the rush.    While town permits for East Hampton Town and Southampton Village and Town beach permits are unlitmited and they don’t run out, EHV sells about 3000.    As of today, there are only about 300 or so permits left.   So, if you’re curious how to get a permit and where you can use them, click here.   That means there are only about 10% left, sadly I had to use a calculator to figure that out.    So unless you want to bike to beach after that Fly Wheel spin class you better hurry!!!

So, while Summer is right around the corner that got me to thinking is it really that bad out here during the season?  I mean are the lines at the Golden Pear any longer … are the waiters and waitresses less patient… is the parking lot at King Kullen any less aggressive?   Well in my 3rd and final chat with author Steven Gaines and film reviewer and stand up comic Bill McCuddy we addressed the very nature of Hamptons culture… RIGHT OR RUDE!?  Which also happens to be the name of Bill’s new web page and facebook fan page.   Check it out and let me know what you think.


A few reasons why you won’t be getting top dollar for your house!

So, the news seems to keep improving for the housing market.  In fact the premier report of the Hamptons market from Miller Samuel and Douglas Elliman (yeah, I’m a little biased but I’m pretty sure Douglas Elliman is the only firm that hires an outside appraiser Jonathan Miller to compile their report ) showed growth for the east end with all indicators pointing to this momentum continuing into 2013.   In fact, it appears to be the best market in about 5 or 6 years.     But even with all of this are you sure you’re still getting top dollar when selling your property?   Well there are a couple of mistakes I see sellers make over and over again and they can be affecting your bottom line.    Hopefully you’ll find my two cents worth more than a couple bucks.


A whole site dedicated to bad pics.  courtesy:

1) Lousy photos – remember the old days where real estate agents would have you primp and prime for that public open house.  Well, those open houses are important too but odds are this won’t be the first time the potential buyers will be seeing your house.   Most buyers begin their search on the web and when the photos stink, they’re not even going to take the time to see your house in person.     If your broker or agent isn’t spending the money to have a professional shoot your house, they’re not the agent for you.   It’s amazing to me how some properties even in  the 3, 4, 5 or higher range have photos their agent took with their own digital camera.    If you don’t believe me, go take a look on HREO.COM, some of those photos are just plain bad!

2) Cruddy Curb Appeal – We all know that updated kitchens and bathrooms will do a lot to help sell a house but if front of the house is a mess, odds are potential buyers won’t even take the time to cross the front door.   So, if the paints chipping off the front door , you can easily see the foundation and the ’69 GTO still on cinder blocks in the drive way you may want to reconsider putting your house on the market.

3) Buckets of Clutter – I know you know this and your listing broker probably does too.  So, why not listen to them and get rid of all the extra furniture, nick knacks and the piles of pictures.    If you’re having a hard time separating yourself from some of your beloved possessions try renting a storage space or one of those “PODS,”  and have it take away.

I don’t do previews and I’ll get to you when I do!!!







4) The Rock Star Broker – They’re #1 they have 99 listings and they have bigger fish to fry than your “shack”.    Now, don’t get me wrong and it’s not sour grapes, there are some really great top brokers out here.  They have teams and assistants that juggle all of the balls with team work and could cook a souffle at the same time.  The sad truth though is  they’re not as common as you think.   In fact, I hear it over and over again from other agents across the board, “they refused to let me preview” or “they never return my calls.”   Hmmm, even the greenest of agents sometimes hits a home run and sells that zillion dollar property.    It’s simple math, the more people that get easy access to your house the better offer.  If your broker uses the words “I” and “me” too often, that should be your first tip off.

5) Pathetic Pricing – time but they’re not  Don’t make it about you… when you’re pricing your home it’s about the facts and the stats!!!  How much will a qualified buyer be willing to pay for your house.   Buyers don’t care about home much you paid for it or how much money you’ll need to pocket at the end of transaction.  They also don’t care about the custom gilded tub or the fung shui designed rose garden odds are those improvements were done for you and mean little to the potential buyers.  I admit it’s not a science and brokers don’t ever really know at what price a home will sell.  But they should have a good idea based on recent comparable sales and what’s currently on the market.  Remember, sellers typically get the best prices for their property early in the game.  So, price it right from the start and avoid aggravation and frustration.   As I’ve said before,  If you’re friend thinks it’s such a steal at that price, why don’t they buy it??!

Finally, the folks over at Designing the Hamptons have identified the location of this years designer showcase house!!  So, where is it… you have to click on their link to find out.  It’s their scoop and more importantly, I’m so over this designer show houses.    You know it’s been done to death when they start doing these in Hackensack N.J. and they HAVE!!   I’d rather see someone build and decorate a house with stuff on a budget… say … from Sears…or Home Goods now that I’d pay to see…. MOVE THAT BUS!!!

A special OCSAR’S edition… plus a little chat on celebs in the Hamptons!

Hi guys, I normally don’t post on Saturdays but what the heck.  It’s Oscar Weekend in Hollywood and since we here in the Hamptons have our fair share of residents attending, I thought it was worth a bonus  Hamptons Chatter on the connection between the two.     Yeah,  I know this isn’t quite the quality of say the Today Show but we’ll get there soon.  It’s been a long time since I did anything like this and my editor is doing his best to make us all look good.   So, that being said my second VIDEO blog.      Is it a  little wacky and rambling, yes.  But I hope you enjoy anyway.   A special thanks to my former anchor Bill McCuddy for doing this along with Steven Gaines, Author of Philistines at the Hedgerow.  So live from my kitchen… Hamptons Chatter!


A “Ruffarendum” in the Hamptons, plus some rental advice for the landlord!

Well some interesting things have developed with me in the past few weeks.    I have decided after almost a decade with Douglas Elliman real estate in a management position to become a full time agent with the company.  So what does that mean to you?   It means I’m going to have more time to blog and help buyers and sellers with their needs in the Hamptons.  So, if you or anyone you know is looking to buy or sell out east , make sure to let me know!

Anyway, rentals seem to be on fire lately.  I personally am up by about 30% more year to date on the number of rentals I’ve done.   But its funny so many people in the Hamptons will put their houses on the market for rent but not understand how it’s done.  So, I’m doing a little beginners guide here for the potential landlord and some terms you should know!

The open listing – Many rentals in the Hamptons are what they call open listings, meaning each company has their own data for summer rentals and that information is not shared electronically, like an exclusive sale.   That’s not to say that agents don’t talk and share information but it’s not coming from one central source.    This is why you may see the same home listed for different prices and time periods on varying web sites.    You can indeed make it an exclusive and make sure access is limited but often this may discourage some agents from showing your house over another where they will make the lion’s share of the commission.    My suggestion is give your rental listing to an agent you trust and ask them to send out a “courtesy” listing to some select agents at other companies.     This way you’re competitive and the agents are all getting the same information.

Permits baby! –  As with anything in life you have obligations and responsibilities when you become a landlord.   Claiming ignorance if you should be sued is not a defense and they have a tendency to go all “Judge Judy” when you go and try to use this as a defense.    Make sure you know the rules before you decide to sign that lease.   Make sure you google the regulations for what is acceptable and when renting in Southampton make sure you have a permit.  I’ve heard stories of tenants suing their landlords for silly reasons at the end of the season and getting their entire rent refunded because the landlord didn’t have a permit.  Yes, people rent without permits but is it worth the risk?  That is your call.

Credit Call – Remember those stories about the guy who was renting Hamptons houses for High School proms only to trash them and leave the landlords holding the bills.  You don’t?!  Then you want to make sure your prospective tenant isn’t hat guy has the funds to pay the rent and pay any potential damages.  It’s really no big deal and doesn’t take much time at all.   Here is one (tenant screening report)  I just googled as I was writing this blog!   It’s not an endorsement but just an illustration of how easy this is to obtain.

Call the Pros!!! – When it comes to insurance, the tax liability and the legal rights within your lease, call the prospective professionals.   The lawyer, the tax professional and an insurance broker are your best friends when it comes to keeping your self protected.  While many agents will give you advice, do yourself a favor, call a pro!!!

Meanwhile, the fur is flying in the Hamptons over all things… poop!   In case you missed it in the NEW YORK POST last week (even my sister in Florida saw it), there is new push to ban dogs from the beach!   So who has a bone with Russell and Bella???   Well recently I had a few friends stop by and we discussed the issue at hand.