The summer rental season is officially in high gear EARLY this year.   Normally, it’s pretty sluggish around here till Presidents Day weekend but in 2013 we got a very early start, like JANUARY 1st!!    I’m not sure what it is this year that has everyone so gung-ho but it’s not just me, all of my friends in the business are saying this is the busiest January they’ve seen in a long time!   I’m not sure if it’s the  economy, the growing popularity of the Hamptons or even the fact so many at the Jersey Shore have been affected by damage from Hurricane Sandy and the Tsunami Snookie!?   It’s any ones guest really.  Get it Guest!?   Lame.  Sorry.

So if you’re a landlord thinking of renting, here are a couple of hints to help you get that lease signed a little quicker (In no particular order).  And yes, you may think these points are common sense but I’ve seen a few properties where these simple points could have been really helpful!!!

1) If your house has ash trays of cigarette butts all over the place, empty them and buy a vacuum cleaner.    It’s amazing but people don’t find the smell of stale tobacco as enticing as they once did.   Unless you’re renting to a member of the Rat Pack, most people in fact will find this a turn off.

2) And speaking of Rat Packs.  If you have a rodent problem, hide the poison or at least resolve the problem BEFORE you want to rent your property.     I know everyone loves a cute pet and a few people even liked the movie “Willard” but honestly,  most rats or even mice give people the heebie jeebies!

3) When a broker comes to your house, please don’t tell their potential renters about how horrible the Hamptons are in the summer.   Also,  its not a good idea to elaborate how you hate your neighbors because their kids are in the backyard pool screaming all hours of the day the entire season.     We as real estate agents work for you the landlord but when you talk about all the negatives of your own house, it’s not a good thing for us to contradict you.

That being said, for those who don’t want to rent a house and just want a quiet weekend out east,  there is a new option.  The 380 Inn, formerly the Enclave Inn which is located on Montauk highway in Wainscott.   As of now, there is no website so local folk will be left guessing changes have been made to this Hamptons staple.

I spoke with the receptionist on the phone and she let me in on a little secret.  The owners of the 380 Inn had actually been managing the Enclave Inn for the past five years and they finally just decided to buy. I know people who have stayed there in the past and enjoyed it, so I’m hoping we’ll have more of the same.

According to the old Enclave Inn’s website the Hamptons are “considered by many, the Malibu of the East.”    Ok, Malibu of the east… minus the tans and the waves but I’m I’ll go with it.   There are plenty who enjoy the outdoor lifestyle out here, similar to Malibu.    I just wonder if the bicyclist are as vulnerable on the west coast as they are on 27!!?

2012 Hamptons… a year in …. The worst of the worst!

Have after. To what issue will this

Something is rotten in the state of
Well Shakespeare could have been writing about the Hamptons in the year 2012.   Luckily there was no Mayan Apocalypse – much to the disappointment of the  History Channel – so it really wasn’t all that bad – but there were a few flops and misfortunate incidents that are worth mentioning.    Here they are in no particular order;

Hurricane Sandy, trouble in the end.

The LIPA response to Hurricane Sandy – Sure it was fun for the first night but when it came time to empty my refrigerator the fun had worn off… and I don’t think candlelight is much fun anymore after using it non-stop for two weeks.  Listen we know it was tough but at least give us some idea of when you think we’ll be back on the grid.  This way we make decisions as to where and how we are going to eat, live and watch Revenge on Netflix!

They look so friendly!

The Mitt Romney Fundraiser – So Ron Perleman decided to throw a little party for his friends and low and behold it turned into mass chaos with rumors of cheap booze, man on man kissing, water boarding and worst of all no Chex Mix! In case you don’t remember what happened, click here for a little recap. Now, I happen to have some inside scoop on the whole situation. Apparently it was all some big misunderstanding. The said protesters/crashers were actually just hoping to borrow some Grey Poupon. How embarrassing! I guess uber-rich people aren’t really as friendly as they appear in mustard commercials.

The Whole Foods Pop Up Store – What happens everyone waits with baited breathe for arguably one of the best stores around to open up in the Hamptons. Well if it was the Whole foods in Wainscott they will stay away in droves. Now, how did that happen!?!? Well, If you want my two cents… and apparently you do… I can sum it up in two words. SOVIET SUPERMARKET… there was nothing on the shelves and what little there was had a hefty price tag. Now, I love Whole Foods in the city but I’m not going to make a special trip to Wainscott just to buy their store brand of Cheerios! Hello! WHOLE FOODS, IF YOU’RE GOING TO DO IT… DO IT RIGHT! By the way, we love you, please come back and try again!?


Curbed Hamptons

The Yummylicious sign – sure the frozen treats may be yummy but the sign itself made the town of Sag Harbor look scummy!   Imagine if the makers of Hello Kitty decided to open up a brothel in the middle of the village.   Think about it!   You get the picture!  A few years ago they held fundraisers to preserve the Sag Harbor Cinema sign, now they need a fundraiser to buy Yummylicious a new sign.  Come to think of it, the name of that place bothers me too!

ATT Hamptons Cell Service –  NO!  I did not hang up on you I was just driving through Sagaponack…. or at my house…. or on the beach…. or in the Northwest woods…. or on Noyac Road… or… oh enough.    I don’t know if Verizon is any better but I’m getting tired of paying for an I phone that I primarily use as an Ipod!   But you know the good thing is I called ATT and they’re getting back to me on why I have such lousy reception.  Apparently it’s just me.    I just hope they don’t call me back on my cell phone!!

Stay tuned…. the best of 2012 next week!  I’ll probably even talk about where the market is going for real estate!

Something to chew on for Sag Harbor and East Hampton Rugby is in overtime


Hi everyone, it feels good to be back.    I took a few months off (as I often do from this blog) and I promise I’ll be more consistent this time (I promised that before too).  So much has been going on but if I seem a bit blurry eyed, it’s mostly due to my puppy Bella.  Yes, I have a new dog since the passing of Boo.  But I have to say, that while she does look a lot like her older sister, she’s her own girl.  She’s full of spunk and quite the terror on my other dog poor Russell.  In fact, when we asked Russell what we should name her, he suggested Bu-jo (think Boo with Cujo).   So, if I’m a bit rambling here it’s because of my need for sleep.   I’ve been doing too many 2 am bathroom breaks.  Here she is!  Yeah, it’s actually easier when they’re cute!


A new tenant!

Well you might have already heard but the “Paradise Cafe” in Sag Harbor shuttered it’s doors a few months ago.   Apparently, negotiations to renew the lease went nowhere.    Luckily,  you can still enjoy Chef and owner Robert Durkin’s cuisine at “Robert’s”in Water Mill.   Well last night I ran into restaurateur Michael Gluckman who told me he’s going into the space that was Paradise right in the heart of Sag Harbor.    While I’m disappointed to see Paradise go, I’m happy to know  there will be something good going in it’s place.   Michael has always had solid restaurants that were reasonably priced with a great menu and good food.   I found his “Lodge” to be one East Hampton’s best watering holes with a diverse and satisfying menu, he tells me he’s hoping to do something similar here.

In the meantime, I’m hoping Paradise returns to Sag Harbor soon, I miss the Bolognese pasta, the best I’ve ever had and the Roast Chicken with Rosemary was sublime… wait I can’t say sublime, that sounds pretentious… It was AWESOME.   Better.   Anyway, maybe Paradise can go into the spot that was Phao in Sag Harbor,  because apparently twice wasn’t the charm and according to sources, they’re going the way of the 8-track tape.
Soon to be a collectors item!
OK, enough talking about food.  I’m getting hungry and I have to work out first.   If I don’t I won’t be able to fit into my Ralph Lauren Rugby shirts, which will soon be collectors items.    Yep, it’s true the Rugby brand will soon be no more.   I’m not sure why because the store in downtown Manhattan and the one in East Hampton were always packed.  But fear not lovers of the Earl of East Hampton (Ralph Lauren-he virtually owns EH  retail) my poorly placed sources have hinted that it will soon be a RL Home store.   I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Finally, I hope I made up for a long, long, long absence from the blogosphere.   If I haven’t here’s one last bit of good advice, at STAPLES they’re selling cases of Pelligrino water for $4 a case!  Yes, $4 a case.  It’s an amazing deal.