Change, Change, Change…. or maybe not and your friend who got a $40,000 oceanfront rental is lying!

I keep hearing everyone talk about how “The Hamptons have changed so much over the past few years.” Well, I beg to differ. I’ve compiled a list of things that are still the same out east. And remember as Carly Simon sang, “these are the good old days.”

The best steak place in town is still The Palm.

Sushi is still free Thursday nights at Bamboo.

The bagels at Hampton Bagels on North Main are still the best.

The staff at Bagel Buoy in Sag Harbor is still nasty.

The American Hotel still has a great Saturday night bar crowd.

The lines at Walbaums in East Hampton are still way too long.

Friday night at Almond is still a bad place for DWF’s to meet SWM’s but hey, it’s still fun!

Howie at Paradise is still the best bar tender.

Driving out on Friday night to the Hamptons can still take almost as much time as flying from NY to LA. Thank god we know Howie!

I’ll still have to wait in line to get into Georgica.

There are still no $40,000 oceanfront summer rentals in Bridgehampton despite what your friend’s friend is saying.

The East Hampton police still hit the beach at 9:01a on weekends to ticket dog owners.

You still need a mortgage to get a lunch at the Golden Pear.

And finally… the donuts at Scoop Du Jour are still just as good as when they were Dresen’s.

So stop your belly aching folks and just enjoy the summer!!!

Finally… If you read this blog than you know about Russell my new terrorist… I mean dog. Anyway, he’s here thanks to the folks at Last Chance Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons. Russell is also a big martini drinker so it only makes sense that he and I attend the first annual “Martini’s for Mutts” to benefit the Last Chance Animal Rescue Fund, on Saturday, Aug. 29, from 5 p.m to 8 p.m. Yeah, I’m giving you plenty of advance notice.

Enjoy an evening of poolside cocktails to benefit this most worthy cause at the home of Edward Montak and Michelle Neufeld, at 214 Toppings Path in Sagaponack.

Last Chance Animal Rescue Fund is a charitable, not-for-profit organization, created to save the lives of animals. The organization states “We rescue animals that are located in “KILL” facilities and underwrite the costs of relocating them to “NO KILL” facilities in hopes of finding them a forever family. The minimum donation is $30. RSVP at

Also, look for last years weekly afternoon tea dance to be relocated to Bamboo in East Hampton. Details to come…

It’s a war out there!!!

As the days slowly inch closer and closer to the July 4th Weekend, I’m more aware of the fact that parking in the villages of the east end is on par with with the city. Although in Sag Harbor for example, there is no alternate side of the street parking there is something far more heinous and sinister, THE TWO HOUR TIME LIMIT!! About a month ago I actually got a ticket in East Hampton for not displaying that stupid ticket they give you clearly on my dash board. But don’t think you can use pathos on the brownies in any of the towns, these kids are hard as nails. In fact, one in East Hampton told me to call him Sir! I responded, I would call him “Sir” after he graduated 8th grade. Hey, he wrote me a $50 ticket, I was allowed to be nasty.

But I do know these kids get a ton of grief through the season. I see the owners of the expensive cars bickering, yelling and even screaming at these kids! Relax people they’re just doing their jobs! So what’s my point of this blog??? I’m just saying can’t we all play nice in the sandbox?! Guys, don’t write me a ticket because the validation card is too far up on my dashboard and I’ll be nice when I rightfully deserve a ticket. In Sag Harbor, I will obey the two hour limit in village spaces and I will respectfully pay my ticket if I have two chalk marks on the tires.

Meanwhile, excitement and glamour came to Main St. Sag Harbor this week as Macy’s decided to do a fashion shoot. Nothing says style and value to me more than two young ones necking on a Vespa. In fact, I’m going to buy some Macy’s clothing sit on a bike and see what happens. Will I look as glamorous too!? WAaaaiiiiit! She has a chalk mark on her tires!!! Very unglamorous!

Meanwhile what to do??? This Saturday is the LIVE OUT LOUD EVENT. This is for a great cause and is at a beautiful private home on the water. Drinks, Hors Deouvres and Dancing! Tickets are $85.00 in advance and $100 at the door and open at 6:00pm. For more information, visit

Hey, I just got a new layout… what do you think? And a SHOUT OUT to one of my competitors!

Its my stream of consciousness blog today! I went last night for dinner to 1770 House and actually sat UPSTAIRS! It was for the prix fixe of course, $29.00. It was awesome. The food is always terrific and the service was an A+! Most of my table had the Mahi Mahi with a main course of Chedder Cheese Brioche (which are free)… I ordered the Olive Twist bread as my main dish. MY POINT?! Eat upstairs at 1770 House, you’re worth it!

So after dinner, we headed across the street to see Alec Baldwin in the Guild Hall production of Equus. Anyway for those of you who don’t know the story… according to wickipedia; Equus is a play by Peter Shaffer written in 1973, telling the story of a psychiatrist who attempts to treat a young man who has a pathological religious/sexual fascination with horses.[1]

Shaffer was inspired to write Equus when he heard of a crime involving a 17-year-old who blinded six horses in a small town near London. He set out to construct a fictional account of what might have caused the incident, without knowing any of the details of the crime. I guess I’m not really a theatre person because after an hour and a half, I had to be restrained in my seat because I wanted to blind myself and be rushed out of the show! By the way, all of my 5 friends loved the show. What do I know!?

Meanwhile, I became a father again this week. Yes, I have a new four legged child! How??? Well apparently in the South, dropping your dog off at a kill shelter after about two years seems to be no big deal. Luckily there are some people in the Hamptons who think this is as terrible as I do! My friend Cliffeton Green who is an agent at Corcoran was telling me about a dog she was fostering for LAST CHANCE ANIMAL RESCUE. We were doing a deal together and it was better than any 6% commission I ever got! NO, I’M NOT RETURNING THE MONEY FROM THE LAST DEAL.. BUT I AM MAKING A DONATION! But I digress… anyway, I ended up adopting Russell! He’s about 2 years old and a beagle mix. So Russell is now a happy member of my household and teaching my “angel” Boo about such wonderful past times as; stealing food off the counter tops, digging under the back yard fence to escape and chasing gophers in the backyard at 4 am! Anyway, when he looks at you and wags his tail, it makes it all worth it. Thanks Cliffeton, Russell is the best!! If you want to help LAST CHANCE ANIMAL RESCUE too, here’s their website They’re in need of volunteers to foster more dogs. I would offer to take another dog but I’m spending all of my time keeping Russell in line!

BLT comes to the Hamptons!

They’re building a better burger at the former home of Grappa and Mumbo Gumbo in Sag Harbor! Amen! Finally a FRIENDLY burger joint in town! BLT Prime and BLT Steak and BLT etc. Chef Laurent Tourondel and his new take on the “burger joint” will be a very welcome addition to Sag Harbor. Look for an opening sometime around the end of the month, according to staff working on the new restaurant!