If only they could have saved Mr. Ed from his humiliating fate on TV! Plus Ponzi is the key word in real estate!

It’s about the horses… insert Madonna joke here! This Saturday The Amaryllis Horse Rescue is hosting a Country Fair to benefit their horse sanctuary. It will be from 12:00-3:00 pm at Amaryllis Farm Equine Rescue’s Educational Barn, 93 Merchants Path off Sagg Rd, behind Wolffer Vineyard, Sagaponack. 100% of the proceeds benefit the Amaryllis Horse Sanctuary! In case you don’t know, Amaryllis Farm has rescued 90 horses from the glue factory and is devoted to educating the public about horses. Best thing is if you go to the fair you can actually meet some of the lucky horses. 631-537-7335 www.HamptonsHorseRescue.com.

Finally some news about the real estate market and another tale to reassure you that you really do know more than most of those financial whizzes on Wall Street. An oceanfront house on Meadow Lane in Southampton Village, seized by the federal government after its owner was indicted for fraud, was sold recently for $25.9 million. It’s the highest closing price for a house in the Hamptons in nearly a year.

To get some perspective on the allegeed financial genius’s financial acumen. The house, which sits on 2 acres off Southampton’s posh Meadow Lane, was purchased for $27 million in December 2008 by James Nicholson(Mini-Madoff). Almost immediately after the purchase, Mr. Nicholson re-listed it for $34 million. In early spring, Nicholson was arrested on federal fraud charges for allegedly falsifying financial records of several hedge funds he operated. In case your bad at math… it sold for a less than what he paid for it… and about 10 million less than what he thought it was worth. Ohhhhh… can I give him my money!!!??? But just remember he hasn’t been convicted… so it may all be one big misunderstanding. Meanwhile… the real Madoff’s house has just gone on the market. Here’s a video tour of the rather simple oceanfront home!


Is it over already??!

Well Labor Day is this Monday but already things are feeling a little quieter on the east end. There are actually parking spaces available in the villages and you can actually have a cell phone call go through on a first attempt. The Hampton Classic has come and gone… the chalets are empty… oh wait they were empty during the show as well!!! Welcome to 2009!

Anyway, there are still some warm great activities you can get in before the weather changes. One of the best is the Twilight Wine Tastings at Wolffer Vineyard in Sagaponack. Every Thursday from 5 to 7:30 pm there’s live music and the wine is sold by the glass with complimentary cheeses. It’s really a great little event and a fun place to hang before dinner. The music changes every two or three weeks but the wines are the same!!! I will also say, the music gets better with every glass!!! There are no reservations needed and there’s no cover charge! See, there are some free things out there. Wolffer Vineyard is located at 139 Sagg Rd. , Sagaponack. 631-537-5106 x25.

Speaking of wine… but having nothing to do with the Hamptons. I’m now officially a fan of The Today Show with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb. I use to hate Kathie Lee when she was on with Regis. But what a difference a few years and two grown children make. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and frequently spends her hour counting the hours down to her first chardonnay of the day!!! Who would have thought that little miss chipper was a lush… and we would love her for it!!! Kathie Lee and Hoda are now officially TIVO worthy!

Who’s the real big cheese???

OK, so my abs aren’t exactly washboards but I have a good excuse. I am addicted to cheese! Hey, there are worse addictions, right?! RIGHT? Anyway, so when I’m not hanging at Lucy’s Whey in East Hampton (I would go to the one in Sag Harbor but I find them nasty and wayyyyyyy overpriced) which is THE BEST CHEESE SHOP on the east end, I’m hitting Citarella’s Tutto Italiano on 27 for what has to be the best mozzarella ever!!! It’s freshly made by Luigi every Thursday through Sunday. If you’re thinking fresh mozzarella big deal, don’t judge until you’ve tried. It is really amazing!!! Don’t waste your cheese on a pizza or something like that … it’s meant to be eaten with a fresh tomato or just by itself.

Speaking of pizza don’t bother with the pizza at Tutto Italiano, I was once a huge fan of theirs but they’ve gone wayyy downhill. Also, the guy who makes them is one of the nastiest people I’ve ever come across. He’s always nasty!! He’s the Soup Nazi of pizza, only his pizzas aren’t’ that good!!! So, real quick… who does have good pizza in the Hamptons? It’s a tie for a quick slice, Conca Dora in Sag Harbor is the best along with La Parmagina in Southampton. The best restaurant pizza is Sam’s in East Hampton. A thin crispy crust and just the perfect combination of cheese and sauce. That’s just my two cents. The most disappointing pizza is the new Mezzaluna in Amagansett. It wasn’t bad.. but for about $20 for a small personal pizza and a 45 minute wait (after being quoted 15 minutes) it should be great! So that’s my two cents for today.

If you have an opinion, let me know. I keep meeting people who say they read my blog and miss it. Well I’m back but I don’t know you’re reading unless you comment!!! Thanks!!!

He’s movin’ out….but just don’t tell anyone!!!

Well Billy Joel has just put his beach front adjacent homes in Sagaponack on the market for a not so outrageous $35 million after a split from third wife Katie Lee Joel.

The bigger of the two homes once belonged to actor, Roy Scheider (Jaws,All that Jazz). Joel bought it for his newlywed wife in 2004 for a little under $19 Million(When I graduated high school I got a cross pen!!) Ok, I exaggerate… she had already graduated high school… 3 or 4 years before. He also bought a small cottage on adjacent property in 2007.

Since Billy is another year past making socially relevant music and his marriage of five years to Katie Lee Joel bit the dust… what’s a guy to do!!! Erase those bad memories piano man!!!

Real estate agent Biana Stepanian of Corcoran has the listing (link below) and apparently mum was supposed to be the word. When another agent in the company leaked the story to the NY Post she was given the ax! Not that everyone didn’t already know. Hmmmmm…. live who you are!!!

And if you’re looking for something to do … other than watch Joel rev his motorcycle in front of the American Hotel… do what everyone else does, go to a benefit! The Red Cross Benefit GALA – A Splash of RED on the Bay is this Saturday at B. Smith’s in Sag Harbor. It benefits the Suffolk County Chapter of the American Red Cross. Music will be by Vivian and the Merry Makers…. ohhhh that sends very merry indeed… plus a silent auction. Tickets are $250. For more info call 631.924.6700 or go to our local Suffolk red cross web site for details.