A progressive blogging… I’ll add more as the day progresses! Plus… on what side of history do you want to be?

Sorry, I’ve been crazed the past few days for those of you who actually read my blog. Anyway, I went back to Blue Sky in Sag Harbor. It’s the former Spinnakers which is now being run by the former manager at Grappa. Anyway, I went for lunch the other day – Friday and the results were disappointed. My friend and I ordered a pizetta for an appetizer… but alas.. they didn’t have any. HMMMMM. Next we decided to share a crab cake appetizer. It was kind of greasy and had a lot of bread crumbs. So for dinner, I had grilled chicken on lettuce. The chicken tasted like it was warmed in a microwave but the greens were fresh. All in all… not bad… but not good either. Hopefully they can get their act together and improve the food. The menu really looks terrific.
Yesterday, it was a busy day in the Hamptons. First there was the God’s Love We Deliver benefit…. which I missed this year but have supported in years past.
Fred Thiele NY State Senator (R) with Members of the Empire State Pride Agenda

At about 4 pm, I headed over to Sag Harbor to the home of David Epstein. He along with some of the heads of Empire State Pride Agenda including Kim Kakerbeck and Sarah Ferguson organized what I’m calling an “E-Raiser.” I love that.. I’m so clever. Anyway what we did was send letters to some members of the NY State senate encouraging them to pass the same sex marriage bill, demanding the 1,324 rights that same sex civil unions will grant. We’re at the tipping point of an historical moment. Be on the right side and send an e mail encouraging the following senators do the right thing. Here are the e mail guys… go for it!!! Especially if you live in Suffolk County NY.
Go to it!!!

Also, it looks as if the Lodge is actually taking off! Saturday Soiree had wall to wall people on a
rainy and cold Saturday. The outdoor patio is a beautiful area. Mark my words, if it ever stops raining and that’s a big IF… the patio Lodge on Saturday from 6-9pm will be the place to be. The big in place on Saturday’s for a long time was the East Hampton dump… so glad there’s finally some place cool to go… especially one that doesn’t smell!

We’re s – h – o – p – p- ing…we’re shopping!!

So, with so many expensive mc-couture stores coming to the Hamptons, it’s great to see some quality merchandise that’s beautiful and unique. Echoing the artisan boutiques and galleries of a day long gone by… say back in the mid 90’s.. Sag Harbor is now home to Adornments Fine Jewelry. (Thank god for spell check you don’t want to know how I badly I misspelled jewelry). Owner Joseph Maio who worked as a marketing director for a major design firm has brought his expertise into a chic and cool shop featuring the works of designers such as Gurhan, Lauren K. and Margot Morrison. Joe also has designer bags that are totally cutting edge and aren’t ripped off and sold off of a card table on the corner of 57th and Madison or a Hong Kong market. Take the time… go see Joe.. the store itself is beautiful but don’t be intimidated.. the prices are right and much of his wears are truly works of art. Adornments is located at 83 Main St., Sag Harbor 725-0051.

In the meantime some good real estate news….NOT… that adorable little cottage on Highland Terrace better known as the 2006 Designer showcase house is back on the market at a new improved price of $16,950,000! Let the foreclosure jokes begin!!! The house which was at one point $24 Million and then $12 million is for now some reason at it’s new 2009 price. So what do you get for this bargain price… you get the ability to finish it yourself!!! Consider it a do it yourself kit… kind of a Sears and Roebuck house for the new millennium. Personally I would think for that kind of money SOMEBODY… could take a trip to home depot and put in some of the missing door knobs and light switches!! Hey, Ikea sells this stuff too…. HELLO! $16 Million dollars… call me picky! Personally, for the money I find these home kits a little bit more desirable!! http://www.shelter-kit.com/
Well are there other foreclosures south of the highway that are finished? I actually know of a few… get in touch and I’ll fill you in.


Goodbye Spinnakers!! It was kind of like Cheers except without the cleaning crew!

Well after many years of mystery diners.. meaning I don’t know of a single soul who would ever go there…. Spinnakers in Sag Harbor is no longer. It’s now been replaced by Blue Sky! Pepe.. .formally food and beverage manager at the Bridge and Grappa in Sag Harbor has created a new menu with both Italian and Spanish influences. While I haven’t had dinner yet, the appetizers were first rate. It is essentially a really charming space inside. So, what’s changed??? Gone are the greasy wings and inedible salads. They’ve also apparently scrubbed the place down from top to bottom!! Rumor has it they finally found Hoffa! Whew! . The garden in the back was always a hidden treasure in Sag Harbor the only problem was the food. Well that’s all better now!!!

So, if you read my last post you know the Hermes doesn’t have any sales in the Hamptons… but Sylvester and Co. in Sag Harbor does! I’ve been eyeing these planters in Linda Sylvester’s fine establishment for months. They’re a total steal now. I bought one and was running from the store like the crazy woman in the Ikea commercials.. “start the car… start the car.. they’re going to figure out they undercharged me!!” Other than the planters, Linda has some of the nicest and most unique home and gift goods in the Hamptons. Check out her other store in Amagansett on the square or her web site and see for yourself! http://www.sylvesteressentials.com/ Also make sure to say hello to Linda’s dog Fanny!!! Unfortunatly you can’t take her home!!

It’s late… but the blog must go on!!!

Ok, i’m blogging really really late. it”s 10:26pm on a Monday night and I’m typing about what’s going on in the Hamptons. I was running around like a lunatic all weekend working with some renters hoping to cash in on some last minute deals and buyers who are finding out, it’s really a good time to buy! Housing is on sale and so is money!

While the weather wasn’t exactly great… It was still a typical Hamptons weekend. Traffic was backed up from East to Southampton and there was a half hour wait at the Citarella’s parking lot.

So what else… Heterick Martin’s School’s Out benefit was a hit on Saturday.. Annie’s grand opening in Southampton was packed…. The new Saturday Soiree at the Lodge had a good turnout in spite of the weather and competing with “School’s Out” … I’m sure it will be packed next week.
Billy Joel held an exhibition of his motorcycles in Sag Harbor and unless he’s giving me one for free, I really could care less. Even if he does give me one for free.. I’m still not sure I care.
One piece of good news… the site of the former remediation project and “Gas Globe” in Sag harbor is now the site of additional village parking. Whoo Hooo. Sorry, I’m off to bed but i’ve done my duty.
Finally, I hate award shows but last night’s Tony Awards were actually entertaining. I was shocked and I have a whole new appreciation of Doogie Howser, Neil Patrick Harris. My one final comment is how did something as utterly awful as “BILLY ELLIOTT” win best musical?? My sixth grade musical version of “Heaven Can Wait” was better. Sad… sad… sad… kind of like today’s blog.