In what has to be a first… the Hamptons Designer showcase house has actually sold in a relatively short period of time! That’s right! 129 Stoney Hill rd. is reportedly in contract. The 7,000 square foot home with an additional 3000 of lower level living was listed on the market for $5,500,000. While we don’t know what the actual selling price is, $5+ million asking price in Sag Harbor and not on the water was an aggressive take. Once again the Hamptons market is defying conventional wisdom! Maybe the house was actually better done than I thought? I was there when Jill Zarin was whining her way through a tour and I had to cut it short because of my headache!
Meanwhile some home improvements in East Hampton as the historic windmill on North Main street gets a face lift. I’m not sure what it’s costing but I’m sure it isn’t cheap. Wouldn’t it be greener and more economically responsible to put up solar panels instead?! I mean how much power does that thing generate anyway!?
Finally, once again the Sag Harbor Rag-a-muffin parade has come and gone. So what was the verdict! Try $250 worth of candy “packed.” Anyway, a good time was had by all and I’m a little poorer!
Where did that guy get that very realistic cop suit?