It’s not every day that a racy sign in a beach community would spark both controversy and such heated debate in online forums. In Clearwater Beach, a sign advertising “swingers” events has garnered mixed reactions from residents. Some are growling about the sign, while others are giggling. The said sign has since been removed but the impression it made is still circulating in private messages and on the internet. While nobody thinks the posters should quit their day jobs for comedy writing, one thing is certain – the sign has people talking… and bickering. Meanwhile, rumor has it real estate agents have reported an increase in inquiries for properties in the community.

Now for some Hampton’s JEERS AND CHEERS!

A Hamptons Cheer to the folks at Baron’s Cove in Sag Harbor. A friend of mine who I will name Mr. Magoo for his own protection and privacy. Well Magoo recently drove his Tesla into Sag Harbor village without realizing he had less than 1% power. After a brief search, we discovered that there were two chargers in the village. Both were located at popular hotel/restaurants. After describing and begging to avoid the nightmare of what it’s like to reactivate a Tesla (its happened before sadly) to the first establishment, we were told “it’s only for guests of the hotel.” Boooo. A second call to Baron’s Cove and we were not only told to “come on by” but feel free to hang in the air conditioned lobby! So a big cheer to Baron’s Cove! It’s great when folks are part of the community. Oh Magoo you’ve done it again!
A Hamptons Jeer to Leon 1909 on Shelter Island. After describing this as one of my favorite spots in previous blogs I went back again a few weeks ago with a few friends. While I ordered a healthy portion of fries with my meal, my skinny dining partner ordered a burger with no bun and two pieces of lettuce for wrapping. Sadly, when the dinner arrived the waitress told us it’s a no go on the leafy greens. Say what?! After a quick request to speak to the manager, we were told by him that we could order a salad because “all the lettuce is already allotted for the dishes and salads.” So, make sure you count your leaves when eating at Leon and a Hamptons Jeer and big boo to them.