Sad news Frankie and Annette won’t be able to take their shenanigans “BACK TO THE BEACH” on the groovy sands of Main Beach East Hampton. The mad rush to the Summer surf of ’22 has begun and if you don’t have an East Hampton Village Beach Pass, you’re S.O.L! Just one day after sales of the coveted permits (all 4100) went on sale at midnight February 1st, they’ve sold out! YEP! You heard me right. According to the website, there’s already a waiting list of about 400. But don’t totally despair, there are still town beach passes available and you can always buy daily passes at certain locations like Main Beach and Two Mile Hollow. SInce they went so quickly, one would hope the village would open up and make more available? But don’t hold your breath. If you want to see for yourself, village the village website now.

Elsewhere some notable restaurant shuffles are happening around town. A few weeks ago the rumor was an established sushi joint was going into the other half of the old Mary’s Marveloous now Hampton Chutney Co. in East Hampton. Well I was half right, it’s going to be sushi but instead of who I thought was going in, the folks behind the old Zokkon and Suki Zuki will be the ones truncating tuna and whisking wasabi on Newtown Lane.
Also, while rumors have swirled about who was going into the old World Pie in Bridgehampton it’s become official Doppo La Spiaggia from Sag Harbor and East Hampton will be bringing their Bolognese and Fritto Misto to the Main Street location. From what I’ve heard, the new restaurant will be serving a more casual menu along with gourmet pizzas.
Finally, if you visit any of the local chat boards you’ve probably noticed the topic of conversation has moved from squatters to car thefts. But nobody is talking about that crappy Angelina Jolie/Nicholas Cage camp fest “Gone in 60 Seconds” even though the timing seems to be pretty accurate. Yep, you heard me right. Cars are being stolen around town from driveways in both East and Southampton towns. In most of the cases, the owners had left the keys in the cars in their driveways (some even on long secluded drives) and the thieves were in and out before the owners knew it. One poster said by the time they noticed the car missing, the GPS had already been disabled. So in closing make sure you are the key master and keep them out of the car!