SNEAK PEEK! The Hamptons Film Festival Kicks Off Tonight!

The Hamptons Film Festival kicks off tonight with what everyone is touting as Bill Murray’s next Academy Award nomination, “St. Vincent.”  The festival runs through the weekend and will bring a slew of A-list actors to town including Murray, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Richard Gere and Laura Dern.   Recently, I sat down with the festival’s creative director David Nugent to discuss what we can expect and why it’s still not too late to get tickets!

Meanwhile, if you’re curious the trailer to “St. Vincent.” 


Round… like a circle in spiral like a wheel within a wheel!?

Hey, after a brief hiatus I’m back!!! So what’s cooking!? Lots but let me first tell you about this e mail I got from something called. “SOUTHAMPTONRESIDENTSUNITED”.. YEAH, it’s one word. Anyway, they’re a little peeved that Southampton Town board is getting ready to discuss a vote on legislation that will allow any homeowner with a lot of 1/2 acre or larger to install two wind “turbines” as tall as 120 feet with no planned restrictions for scenic areas or closeness to neighbors. While personally, I love the idea for green energy.. I more love the idea that if you don’t like your neighbor you can now install a wind turbine!!!! Wow! How cool is that!!! I just imagine feathers flying everywhere on the east end as those damn Canadian Geese go head long into my TURBINE!! I mean as a real estate agent, nothing helps sell a house better than an attractive 120 foot blood and feather soaked wind turbine! I don’t want to get into the debate here but if you have an issue…. call get in touch with town supervisor Anna Throne-Holst at the SH town supervisors office.

There was also a brew ha ha about the same thing in East Hampton on Long Lane earlier this year. What do you think? I’m curious to know.  meanwhile, before it’s too late make sure to get your tickets for the Hamptons International film festival. Some of the highlights include Danny (Slumdog Millionaire) Boyle’s latest “127 Hours” starring James Franco and Director Stephen Soderbergh’s documentary “And Everything is Going Fine” about the late Sag Harbor resident and author, Spalding Gray. For more information and to buy tickets, check out the website;