It’s that time of year again… the crowds are gone, the water is warm and the parents of young ones are being tortured into stopping by Pumpkin Town on Rt. 27! Yes, the venerable Water Mill attraction is back for another season of traffic jams, expensive cider and even more expensive pumpkins. Now, I’ve got to be honest I’ve never gone to Pumpkin Town. All of the information I’m conveying is second hand, so I don’t know if the rumors of that big new red barn are true. I’ve heard many theories about the red barn ranging from they’re selling Halloween masks that are electronically turning children into zombies… a la Halloween 3: Season of the Witch… to an overpriced food court. I’m guessing both are pretty strong possibilities! So there is my warning to the unsuspecting parent. Luckily for everyone, it’s only for another 30 days.
Meanwhile, it seems more and more home owners are weighing the option of adding solar power to help fill their power needs. Recently I gathered some “solar experts” to discuss the benefits, costs and benefits of upgrading a home with this green technology. It’s just a basic overview but it’s full of tidbits that I think make a great introduction to solar power.
Finally… I’m getting tired of these “Cidiots Go Home” postings. I find it offensive!!! My main complaint is the penmanship is horrible! You would think that all of the tax money these “cidiots” pay that the local schools would teach their students how to write! Hello, haven’t they heard of the Palmer Method? Now since, I more or less consider myself a cidiot, I want my tax money back!