Lighting the Hamptons one lamp at a time!

Wainscott, the land of quarries and Speedway Stations has two new things to actually brag about.     The opening of the new Home Goods and the arrival of Osteria Salina at the former site of Georgica Restaurant and night club.  I’ll have more on the restaurant tomorrow!

After lots of moaning and complaining, Home Goods has finally arrived at it’s new location at 368 Montauk Highway. The newly constructed building drew some fire from local officials and some residents for it’s hulking size and close proximity to the road.   But after all the fears and wolf crying, the Hamptons have survived the opening and from the reaction of the crowds it’s a big improvement over what was an abandoned car dealership.   The cedar shake building which is lushly landscaped opened it’s doors Sunday and it was packed to the rafters.
See I’m not kidding!


So why was it so crowded?   Well the discounted purveyor of all things domestic featured everything from Pratesi sheets to Baccrat and Waterford wine glasses at around 50% off of normal retail prices. They also have a good collection of linens and even some furniture and rugs.   Yes, the Hamptons may be considered a land of excess but that doesn’t mean they don’t like a good bargain here on the east end.     I really believe this will be good for all the business owners in the area since it will attract folks who normally wouldn’t travel to Wainscott to shop.   The more the merrier and the more cash for everyone who buys lunch, doesn’t find the right sofa, needs a new bed or has been wanting to get some new blinds!Meanwhile, after about a month the gym in Sag Harbor is open once again.   It’s cleaner, lighter and has a slew of fancy new lockers.    While much of the old equipment has returned, the fresh coat of paint and what I guess was a really good cleaning has actually made a difference.    The gym has never looked better and the towels are new too!    If you don’t believe me… see for yourselves!   By the way, don’t get confused, the entrance has moved to the center of the building and there’s a fancy new reception desk as well.


Time to take back the bills… 7 days left!
Well if you’re not still celebrating the big holiday…Cinco De Mayo… allow me to remind you that time is running out to appeal your property taxes!  Yes it’s in 7 days and the timer is ticking like Mona Lisa Vito’s biological clock.    So what to do?
Well there are plenty of services (just google) who do not charge up front, but rather take a percentage of what they save as a fee. For do-it-yourselfers, you can get information from the various town websites about how to determine if your assessment is fair.
One thing most of these websites suggest is to get an evaluation form a
professional appraiser.   If you need a suggestion about where to find one, try calling your real estate agent or ask a friend.
Don’t deny you want to try this!
Meanwhile, if you save some money by appealing what about
buying one of the must haves for this upcoming summer season.
Pool climbing wall.. yeah you want one!
No, it’s not a new Ferrari or even a fancy new mood ring!  It’s a climbing wall for your pool!!!  Yes, since slides and diving boards are now passé among pool owners and the cause of so many injuries and higher insurance there has to be something else to add to make more waves in the neighborhood.  All I can say is look at these pictures and tell me you don’t want one! LIAR!  Of course you want one.  Well these are from a company called Kerplash and they start at about $8000. But what better way to get over your fear of water and heights than to climb one of these suckers!!!   If you want more information you can check out their information HERE!

Yes, a quick but informative chatter today.  See you all hopefully on Wednesday!


A view to a kill or at least to kill for… The dining room at Baron’s Cove!
Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock or taken one too many Ambien, you’ve probably heard that Sag Harbor has been undergoing something of a renaissance (thank you spell check).   The most notable project has been the soon to be occupied 64 unit Bulova Watchcase development.   Well the same folks who did that project recently undertook giving a major overhaul to Baron’s Cove in Sag that would make Melanie Griffith and Axl Rose red with jealousy!   Cape Advisors who made their mark in Cape May, NJ are hoping their golden touch is the ticket once again.   Now, before you get all nervous that the Jersey Shore is going to take over the Hamptons and muscle heads with orange complexions will soon be running up and down Main St., relax!   Cape May is not “THAT” Jersey Shore and these folks know how to do it right … just take a look here at their venues Congress Hall and The Virginia which are already up and running!  Nice huh!!?    Last night they opened up the restaurant for families, friends and associates and are getting ready to open up for everyone else very very soon!   I was lucky enough to get a preview and I can tell you… BOOK YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW!     This is the new hot spot for Summer ’15!    They’ve got a great chef in the kitchen who made his mark at Vine Street on Shelter Island and a top notch staff who know good service with no attitude is key!  I hope you’re reading this Harlow!   Anyway, don’t take my word for it…. take a look below at what they’ve done already!       I’ll give you more details as they become available!     You can also check out the Baron’s Cove web site for rates and details.     Gotta run and happy May Day all.   By the way… these are I phone photos and you’ll need to see this in person to get a real appreciation!
Renovated Rooms! Chic, comfortable living at Baron’s Cove!


Relaxing drinks with a view!


Bathrooms that rival any first class hotel!


The view of the pool area … getting ready for the big opening!

Sag Harbor Shuffles….. Plus Memorial Day – Benefit Update!

He former home of The Cuddy!

Big news in Sag Harbor, the site of the former Phao… The Cuddy… and whatever else… well it is now becoming a branded restaurant for Wolffer Wines.    Yes, I will miss The Cuddy’s burgers! Early reports had the property opening soon as a tasting room but I’ve heard it’s actually going to have a full blown menu and be a real restaurant.   It will have a “high profile” chef that has already signed on to get behind the grill… or the stove… or the deep fryer… whatever they’ll have!    No word on weather they’ll have a steady reserve of Wolffer Rose to last through the summer.   Remember last year, our rose cups runnith dry!

Meanwhile, don’t cry for Espresso Argentina… they’re coming back to town.   Yes, the home of the best turkey focaccia sandwiches ever..anywhere… will be going into the space formerly occupied by Cigar Bar…. hopefully they’ll get rid of stale beer and stale cigarette smell. The property was vacant for the past few seasons and is already undergoing renovations! So now, you can get your sandwich and have your Yummylicious too (you know the place that looks like a “Hello Kitty” brothel).

Finally, one of the big benefits for years in the Hamptons was The Miracle House Memorial Day Kickoff at Bridgehampton Surf and Tennis Club.   It was wall to wall people every year and guests mingled with celebrities like Taylor Dane, Andy Cohen and Cheyenne Jackson.   Well the organization which housed severely ill adults in NYC sadly shuttered last year.   It was a loss for the community in NYC and created a hole in the all important Hamptons benefit schedule.   Well now comes word that the date and the location have been reserved by the  LGBT Network of Long Island.   Tickets will start at a affordable $250 for the cocktail party and are already available with additional information on the organizations website!