The future home of Home Goods in Wainscott.
In case you haven’t been paying attention, there’s been a lot of complaining about the new Home Goods Store currently under construction in Wainscott.    The building has been criticized for everything from being too close to the road to out of character for the Hamptons!   Really people?  Really?   It has cedar shingles, dormers and is no bigger than some guest cottages here on the east end.  It’s also alot better looking than the old Plitt Ford car dealership.  So why all the fuss?!!!  Well I guess some people here in the Hamptons have nothing else better to do.  So, that’s I’m here to put some of these Debbie and Donald Downers in line.   Besides, if you people stop the new Home Goods from coming to town, where else will I be able to buy an irregular coffee table, brand new Patrick Nagel prints or discontinued Isaac Mizrahi soap dishes?   In fact, there are bigger ugly fish to fry.  So, how about doing something with these local eyesores?

Located at the Hamptons Jitney stop in Wainscott, these cement benches are part of the welcome gate to some of the most expensive real estate in the country.    But admit it, you too thought they look like someone plucked them straight out of Pinelawn.  There is nothing attractive about these benches.   How about some Adirondack Chairs or perhaps a nice rope hammock? Those would be more Hamptons and you won’t need a Mary grotto to make it look complete!

A yabba dabba don’t!

It’s dusty, it’s rocky and it looks more like the gateway to Bedrock than the Hamptons!   Hello why can’t they make the quarry of Southampton Masonry more attractive!?   Yes, it’s a quarry but there is no reason they can’t plant some nice shrubs or something.  I mean,  use your imagination people!   Hire a talented landscaper and put some flair back on route 27.   Since it’s a rock pit and already looks like a home for a prehistoric family, why not add a Bedrock/Flintstones theme?!  Stop by the place in Southampton with all the dinosaurs out front.   I personally would love to see some Dino or Fred topiary!   It could be the year round Pumpkintown for Wainscott.   Besides, selling $20 juice boxes and souvenir photos with Fred and Wilma could be very profitable.

Holy creepazoids Batman, how come nobody is complaining about this seasoned greeting in Wainscott? Is it the pale complexion? Is it the beady eyes or the gaping open mouth that I find so odd?   I’m frightened every time I drive by!   This Santa looks like he’s an advertisement for Jerry Sandusky’s Christmas Kayaking adventure Camp.   I have nothing against Main Beach surf shop, Kayaks or even Santa but that mannequin is scarier than H-E-Double hockey sticks!!   There has to be a friendlier looking figure to go into this boat ? What about a real guy in Santa outfit or simplify with some holiday lights on a kayak without anybody on board?
Let’s hide behind the chainsaws!

You know that commercial for Geico on the air now?  It’s a group of teenagers running away from a Freddy Kruger kind of character and they make a “bad decision” and run into a creepy barn with chainsaws everywhere… well they filmed that here.   Yes, the former Star Room and Swamp location is scarier now than it was when it was littered with self entitled 20-somethings driving their Ferrari’s and Lamborgini’s and sipping $1000 bottles of D.P. at their reserved tables.   I’m not sure why this building hasn’t sold yet…. all it needs is some paint and a bulldozer!    Hey, what ever happened to CVS going in there anyway?

Finally, there is “Home Sweet Home Moving and Storage.”   It’s a good moving company and in fact, I recommend them to clients frequently.  But address the elephant in the room.  There is NOTHING “homey” or “sweet” about corrugated tin buildings.    Perhaps if they did a big needle point on the side of the building it would seem a lot more home sweet home like.  Think the old logo for the game show “Family Feud” being placed on the side of the building.

Time to wrap this up.  Other than the simple fear of an unintended drive through, the building is attractive and done by a group of professionals who in my opinion did a good job of keeping within the area’s aesthetic.    The business will bring jobs to the area and help a lot of residents pull a home together on a tight budget.    Let’s not waste our breath complaining about what is essentially a nice building that will help the community while there are empty shelves at the food pantries and actual homeless folks on the street!  Happy Holidays and remember you are lucky and blessed you live in one of the most beautiful places on earth!


The best pot pie ever!
Ginormous salads!

So, a quick blog post is better than no blog post at all (at least according to me).   After being a sushi restaurant with financing by Wells Fargo, SHUKU the Highway Diner has reopened.   In the first restaurant opening of the season, they did it quietly but carried a big culinary stick!     While I don’t have many of the details on the chefs and owners etc., I can tell you the staff seemed to be experienced and ready to take on the task of breaking the curse of the tank!     So what did we have?  A chicken pot pie which is quite possibly the best one I ever tasted!!!!   My of my dinner companions had freshly made pasta where they said they can “actually taste the difference.”  I started with a Caesar salad that could have been a meal itself.    Also gone is the sterile cold interior that had diners sitting on edge as every new customer walked in the door.  Now, the old diner’s food wasn’t bad but I think the management and staff were in over their heads.  My favorite or least favorite experince I should say was when they ran out of bagels for breakfast at $10 a pop.  HELLO, THERE IS A BAGEL STORE TWO DOORS DOWN!    Anyway, for a first night the Highway Diner was a hit with me and everyone else at the table!   I think it has what it takes… good food … good service….a full bar and good prices!

Home made pastas!

It’s about time to have some good restaurants in the Hamptons.  Meanwhile, Nichol’s is really shuttered for renovations and who knows if it will ever return.  Meanwhile, I’m doing a death watch on about 3 different restaurants on the east end.  More on that coming soon, I promise!

SNEAK PEEK! The Hamptons Film Festival Kicks Off Tonight!

The Hamptons Film Festival kicks off tonight with what everyone is touting as Bill Murray’s next Academy Award nomination, “St. Vincent.”  The festival runs through the weekend and will bring a slew of A-list actors to town including Murray, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Richard Gere and Laura Dern.   Recently, I sat down with the festival’s creative director David Nugent to discuss what we can expect and why it’s still not too late to get tickets!

Meanwhile, if you’re curious the trailer to “St. Vincent.” 


The Chinese Democracy of Blog Posts… The Winners and Losers of Summer 2014!

Yes, sometimes it’s worth the wait and other times it’s the equivalent of “The Phantom Menace.”     Its been a few weeks since I’ve sat in front of this computer and contemplated a new installment of Hamptons Chatter.   But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about this blog.     Some of the observations I’ve made over the past few weeks but weren’t worthy of a full musing are being poured into this latest posting.   So, will it be worth it?   Of course because doesn’t everyone love when someone else tells them if they’re hip or hopeless?

Chef Eric Miller created a winner with Bay Kitchen!

New Restaurant:

Winner:  Bay Kitchen in East Hampton –  Bay Kitchen has it all;  a killer review in the NY Times under it’s belt, a killer location and good service.
Loser:     Harlow in Sag Harbor – It had the location and the buzz but bad service and bad attitudes killed the fun quicker than your elderly grandmother’s surprise visit during that last college toga party.
Winner:  Channing Daughters, Wolffer and Bedell Rose wines –  A shortage of local rose wine says it all.  It was “THE” drink at benefits and bbq’s this past summer.
Loser:    The BBC at Cyril’s –  a temporary loss of a liquor license  not to mention that you
get a blood alcohol spike by just walking in the parking lot (you could lose that sobriety chip), led to a summer of despair for more than a few fans of Napeague’s favorite haunt.

Winner:   Studio 89 in Sag Harbor – Rich Decker has created a bright, clean and airy space where they actually like their clientele!Loser:       Equinox Fitness – You guys keep taunting us with opening in the Hamptons.  Until you do you will remain on the loser list!  If you open out here next year, we’ll talk!

Hamptons Celebrity:
Winner:   Jimmy Fallon – He’s now a Hamptons home owner and you’ll see him tooling around town year round.   He’s taken over the Tonight Show and invigorated it with his own brand of humor and made it his own.  It’s the same way he behaves at restaurants and stores around town; friendly and approachable.   Why can’t all celebrities be more like Jimmy Fallon!?Loser:     He’s Chevy Chase and you’re not… and neither is Jimmy Fallon!  That is a good thing. The humorless and unfriendly failed talk show host, unemployed sit com star and father in law to a midnight swimming lad who had the town searching frantically at night for his whereabouts is nothing like Fallon.   Hey Chevy, if you’re not busy maybe you can finally make “Snow Day 2?”Hamptons Media/News source:
Winner:  Hamptons Magazine  – The biggest and the best and the only one that doesn’t take resort living too seriously.  Hamptons magazine is the fun yearbook for the East End and the only one I know people actually talk about during the summer!  “Hey, you were on the list!”  Hint!

Loser:     Hamptons Chatter –  Inconsistent updates with a bad layout and too snarky for my taste!   Besides does anybody read that blog anyway?
Fashion Statement:
Winner:   Vineyard vines – Their polos are stylish and reasonably priced!  It’s cool preppy chic and you can’t buy them at TJ Maxx.   Not that there is anything wrong being a Maxinista!  It’s also not
contributing to Polo-fication of East Hampton.
Loser:  Crocs –   If I have to tell you why, then you shouldn’t be reading this blog!