Good News for Winos…. ehhhhem….. and WBAZ’s Walker Vreeland’ Musings About Life in the Hamptons!

I known you were all wondering, where is the latest Hamptons Chatter positing.    Well the truth be told, I was on a wine bender!    Yep, I went to Napa Valley and visited some amazing wineries “Silver Oak” and “Twomey” to name a few… ate the best taco I’ve ever tasted at a place called “C Casa”…. and had an amazing tuna burger at “R and D Kitchen” in Yountville (Owned by the Hillstone Group who run East Hampton Grill).    But alas, it’s back to sobriety and reality here in the Hamptons.

Lieb Vineyard’s New East Hampton location
But quicker than I could say “DT’s” there’s a new tasting room that just opened up in East Hampton.     Lieb Vineyards now have a tasting room at 26 Park Place.  Which in case you don’t recognize theat address it’s better known as behind White’s Pharmacy in the way back of the Walbaum’s Parking lot.   Now to be honest I’ve never tried Lieb wines but they’ve attracted quite a following on the North Fork and the reviews seem to be pretty outstanding.  In fact, they were awarded with Dan’s Best of the Best for having a great tasting room staff and a Pinot Blanc that apparently Hamptonians love.    So, who am I to argue… I’ll hopefully see you soon at the tasting room!
Speaking of Dan’s Magazine and the Best of the Best, WBAZ Radio personality Walker Vreeland has been nominated for best East End Personality.   I know I voted for him!     I’ve long been a fan of Walker’s and when he agreed to talk to me for Hampton’s Chatter, I was psyched.   He grew up here in the Hamptons and recently we discussed the changing Hamptons scene.   I hope you find this as insightful and enjoyable as I did.

HUNTING FOR A HOUSE???? Great Apps for the Home Buyer… or Real Estate Junkie!

A few days ago , I got an e mail from another agent talking about a new i phone app someone in her family invented.   It was kind of like a Yelp or Foursquare for the Hamptons.   While I liked the app, I thought to myself why do I need a Hamptons Yelp when Yelp covers the Hamptons.   Hmmmmmm. So, that brings me to today’s blog.      I’m sharing with you some apps that anyone who is looking to buy or just window shop real estate should have.   Some are a little more complicated than others but once you get the hang of them, you’ll love them as much as I do.

HOUSE HUNTER PRO – Looking for a house is often a daunting endeavor!   Luckily your I phone can help make the process a little less stressful and HOUSE HUNTER PRO (for I phone) in the apps
store is a great tool.    The app helps you orgonize your notes,  pictures, features of the property and a mortgage calculator does the money thing for you too.    The app is $4 in the app store but since we’re good friends and you read Hamptons Chatter, for you it’s free!    The app is customizable and you only need to use the features you like.   So punch in code # 2412012 and get the app for free from me the only down side is my ugly mug comes up with my information when you open up.    If you don’t like my picture pay $4 and get a clean version.  But either way, try the app I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

MAGIC PLAN – So many buyers in the Hamptons come from NYC and they’re used to seeing floor plans.   So what do they do when the broker of the property doesn’t know measurements and doesn’t have a floor plan? (I and a hand full of others are the exception and do floor plans)   Well you take out your trusty I phone and start pointing and shooting.   Magic Plan will help you do floor plans for the individual room and the entire house.   It will also help you stay organized as you can make plans for a multiple of homes.    There are free versions as well as a more sophisticated ones that range in price up to $59.99.   Make whatever you do with Magic Plan, you play with the app before trying to use it on your house hunt.    You don’t want to look like a total moron in front of your agent!    Other wise, they’ll dump you and you’ll be looking for houses with that loser…… oh ask me in person, I’ll tell you who I’m talking about !  Here’s a little video of MAGIC PLAN I found online which explains the whole tamale!   DON’T FREAK THERE IS NO AUDIO!

There is also a similar app to this called PHOTO MEASURES but I’ve never tried it.  Friends of mine have and said it’s just as good as MAGIC PLAN.

Finally… my last app suggestion for your Hamptons House Hunters is…. drum roll please….

Property Evaluator

PROPERTY EVALUATOR – If your in the market for an investment property this app is a must have!!!  It allows you to input your purchase price, potential sales price, cost of improvements, the time you plan on carrying the mortgage and other various add ons and then turns out a sort of flip analysis.
Now, that is pretty frigging cool.   The app also has a mortgage calculator to help you also figure out your payments.     The cost is free for a basic version and goes up to $19.99.

Houzz-   This is a free app that’s kind of like PINTEREST meets INSTAGRAM.  Take a look at the largest database of home designs anywhere on the market.     It’s a really great tool for the buyer that’s contemplating just exactly what they can do to make that unrenovated 60’s split level stylish.   l

NEIGHBORHOOD SNOOP – This app is the cream on the cake.   Just activate your phones GPS options and let “Snoop” do the work.   The app actually scans Facebook postings, twitter mentions and postings, local town police records and to figure out if you’re going to like your neighbor or hate them!   The app grades potential neighbors on a “jerk” scale from 1-10.  If your neighbor is a 1 you’re a winner and that cup of sugar is on the way.  If the neighbor is a 10, then don’t buy the house!   If only this app really existed… sorry… yes I’m teasing you.   If it did exist I would have known my neighbor was an 8.5 before I bought my house!

Anyway, the film festival kicks off tonight.  I’m going to the opening party.  I’ll try to post some pics! Hopefully I’ll get my picture taken with somebody cool!  If you want more information on the film festival, check out their web site!

The Evil that is Pumpkin Town….the Benefits of Solar Power…. and This “Cidiot” Wants His Money Back!!!!!

It’s that time of year again… the crowds are gone, the water is warm and the parents of young ones are being tortured into stopping by Pumpkin Town on Rt. 27!    Yes, the venerable Water Mill attraction is back for another season of traffic jams, expensive cider and even more expensive pumpkins.   Now, I’ve got to be honest I’ve never gone to Pumpkin Town.   All of the information I’m conveying is second hand, so I don’t know if the rumors of that big new red barn are true.   I’ve heard many theories about the red barn ranging from they’re selling Halloween masks that are electronically turning children  into zombies… a la Halloween 3: Season of the Witch… to an overpriced food court.   I’m guessing both are pretty strong possibilities!     So there is my warning to the unsuspecting parent.   Luckily for everyone, it’s only for another 30 days.

Meanwhile, it seems more and more home owners are weighing the option of adding solar power to help fill their power needs.    Recently I gathered some “solar experts” to discuss the benefits, costs and benefits of upgrading a home with this green technology.    It’s just a basic overview but it’s full of tidbits that I think make a great introduction to solar power.


Finally… I’m getting tired of these “Cidiots Go Home” postings.    I find it offensive!!!   My main complaint is the penmanship  is horrible!  You would think that all of the tax money these “cidiots” pay that the local schools would teach their students how to write!  Hello, haven’t they heard of the Palmer Method?  Now since, I more or less consider myself a cidiot, I want my tax money back!

If you’re bored…. why not toast the locally grown!? Plus, after 63years… Saying Goodbye to some Good Friends (ok, dog years!).

Guys, the chill is in the air the crowds are dwindling and it’s now my favorite time of the year in the Hamptons, September!  The water is warm, the pool is open and Gwyneth Paltrow is no longer in town.    The early fall is our secret… although I willing to share it with anyone who will buy a house from me…. hint!   But while I keep the secret about fall on the east end, I will tell folks about some ideas to keep themselves entertained.

This Thursday night Page Restaurant in Sag Harbor is hosting a Farm to Table dinner or as my dyslexic mind and mouth often say, “Table to Farm.”    Anyway, it’s a 7 course dinner featuring local farmer

Dave Falkowksi better known as the “mushroom man” (no you degenerate, not those kind of mushrooms) and organic wines from Channing Daughters Winery in Bridgehampton!    Speakers from both the winery and farm will be there to speak about the various courses and wines.   It’s a great way to learn a little bit about agriculture, eat some cool food and mingle with some great wines!

The cost is $65 for the dinner and $85 with wine pairing.   For more details or to make reservations go to or call 631-725-1810.
The Hampton Pet Club in happier times!
Meanwhile, I’m shedding tears as I type this blog.   In fact, I just short circuited my keyboard with tears!!! Johnny 5 is not alive!!   Sad news… After close to 10 years in business and becoming a virtual member of my family the Hampton Pet Club is closing it’s doors at the end of the month.     After several attempts to keep the biscuits, baths and barking flowing Bella, Russell and Boo’s doggy day care providers have lost their lease.   According to sources the club will shutter its doors at the end of the month.   I know I’ll miss Jason Neimark and his crew; Todd, Rhonda, Caroline and the rest!    I don’t want to go into details because I don’t know them all but I can tell you, I don’t like the landlord of the said building!   Jason took what was once a lousy location and made a thriving business through his hard work and obvious affection for each and every dog!  Guys, I wish you all well and hope something happens to keep you all here, we’ll all miss seeing you!
In the meantime, if anyone knows of a good dog sitter and place for the kids …. er I mean dogs.. to hang…. Please let me know!