Million Dollar Listing …errr… Bankruptcy… and Fine Hamptons Dining on aBudget!

Call me wacky but I always find it hard to believe that someone who owns a pricey piece of property would ever allow it to go to auction.   Well maybe that’s why I’m just a humble Hamptons farmer… er… real estate agent.   Anyway, it’s happening two blocks from the beach in the most expensive zip code in the country on Sesascape Lane, in Sagaponack.   The home originally listed at (click for details) $5,995,000 in ’10, briefly went down to $4.9 only to go back up to $5.3 is now on the auction block with Maltz and Company of Central Islip.   The auction takes

Million dollar bankruptcy!  photo from TRULIA.COM

place this Thursday at the “auctioneer’s Gallery, 39 Windsor Place in Central Islip.”    In order to register to bid, all prospective bidders must “present a bank check in the amount of $260,000.”   Check Maltz’s website for all the details.  The property which is quite charming will no doubt be torn down by whoever buys it.  I guess when you have $11,000,000 properties in the hood and J-Lo around the corner, humble just won’t cut it with the neighbors.    Darn, I would have loved to try and sell this puppy.  It’s on a great block and an elegant and unpretentious home.    While it’s too late to take a tour of the house, it’s not too late for the auction so get your bids and your bank checks ready everyone!   I’m sure this is just great for property values!

UPDATE… according to my sources, the property went for $3.800,00!  Not bad!

Finally, a little something I didn’t know.  Apparently the local Hess is a gas station and a dining establishment!  If you don’t believe me, just look no further than the photo attached.  When I asked the attendant on duty about what other delicacies they feature he pointed out the hot dogs, the sandwiches and more!!!  So of course, since I’m more of a wine drinker than a beer drinker I asked the attendant if they charged a corking fee.   His response, after I explained what I meant, “no problem, we won’t charge you.”    He chuckled and obviously got where I was going once I took a pic of the sign.    So who said there is no inexpensive dining in the Hamptons!?  Kids we’re going to the Hess station!!!


…. more to come.   Thx guys.

Madison and Main gets ready to split… and The Foot Fetish in the Hamptons!

Times are apparently tough for many restaurants on the east end.   Depending on who you ask the off season crowds are not what they used to be and that could be why we recently saw the departure of

Foody’s says goodbye!

Foody’s in Water Mill and imminent change at Madison and Main.   The former shuttered it’s doors with a big blow out Sunday night.  While Madison and Main which seemed to be doing steady business is changing to what my sources claim will be a brick oven “pizza and pasta restaurant.”    The building on Sag Harbor’s main street was recently sold and the new landlord apparently got an even better deal with an “up island italian restaurant.”   I don’t know if these whispers are true but that’s the rumor heading around town.   So can rumors like this be trusted?  Well, someone once told me “if you walk and pass wind on one end of main street in Sag Harbor, it’s already being discussed at the opposite end of town before you get there.”  So true!

The new… what would you call this anyway?
In the meantime, what is the biggest trend in the Hamptons these days?  Is it a new designer?   Is it a hot new developer? No and no… it’s actually foot massage places.   The success of Happy Feet in Sag Harbor is apparently sprouting a cottage industry on the east end.    There’s already one in Southampton and now East Hampton is getting one across the street from Chase Bank on The Circle.    According to workmen in the location, the new… what would you call this anyway….. foot massage place will be opening sometime in the next month.    I guess it’s the $35 price tag for an hour of pampering that caused this place to be a hot ticket.    By the way, if you ever see me there run the other direction.  I have a tendency to pass out and snore when getting my happy feet!
Meanwhile, what’s going on at the former home of Well Nest?    The sign said, see you in the spring of ’13… then see you in the spring of ’14…. and now the sign says available for rent!?   I hope Well Nest comes back somewhere!  It was a great store and a cool concept.   Just please not another real estate office or bank in that location.

The Banana Splits…. and Which Professionals have the most psychopaths… I know what I think!?

In another strike against the average Joe, the Banana Republic store in Bridgehampton Commons has packed up and split.    While I don’t really buy my clothes at Kmart (OK, I bought a few Land’s End sweaters there) nor do I shop Bergdorf Goodman (OK I bought a few things there too), B.R. was one of the rare quality middle of the road shops out here in the Hamptons.    When I tried calling the company for a response, the woman on the phone couldn’t tell me why they left town but she did tell me she could save me 10% on my next purchase if I opened a Banana Republic credit card.

In other sad news, has posed the question, “which professions have the most psychopaths?”  Now before you start thinking about “American Psycho,”  lets take a look at the definition of Psychopathy.   By definition, Psychopathy is a “personality disorder that has been variously described as characterized by shallow emotions (in particular reduced fear) stress tolerance, lacking empathy, cold heartedness, egocentricity …. and antisocial behaviors such as parasitic lifestyle and criminality.”  So those two sales agents that brawled at The Hotel a few weeks ago probably  psychopaths, it’s more likely they have anger issues.   So do you want to take a guess where sales people came on the list?  They were #4!  YIKES! Wedged between media personalities and surgeons.   That’s not such bad company is it?   So who are some of the biggest psychopaths I met working here on the East End?  Well, I never blog and tell.  But buy me a drink sometime… in vino veritas!

Finally, so why is this picture on my blog?  Because I can.  Happy Birthday Bella!!!



A Year After Sandy Generator Sales Still Soar…. and Fall Images of the Hamptons!!!

Ok, this year was a lot prettier than last year.  Hurricane Sandy ripped through the East End a little more than a year ago,  leaving much of the region without power for as long as 3 weeks.  Yes, I was one of them.    Since then homeowners have been exploring their options to prevent their milk from souring and the Internet from going down.    One of the most popular solutions has been purchasing a home generator.    From the simple gasoline lawn mower engine variety to the more complex, heres a quick intro some of the basic facts from the folks at East Hampton Energy Solutions!

Sure, the pools are closed and the beach is a little bit nippy.  But if you’ve ever had a doubt that the Hamptons are spectacular in the fall then look no further.   Here are some of my favorite sites in and around the East End.

Scarecrows line Main St. Amagansett, thanks to the kids from the local elementary school!
North Haven foliage or as a news anchor I once worked with called it… Foil-age!
Mill Hill Lane, East Hampton Village.


EH Village Fringe, near Buckskill Rd.


The center of Sag Harbor Village!


The prettiest tree in the Hamptons, seriously!  Look at the Shape!  Brick Kiln and Scuttle Hole Rds.