The perfect gift for promiscuous pals on the East End and there’s more to Canada than Celine Dion!

If you’ve ever been to Ricky’s in the city or in East Hampton, you know it’s full of shampoo, moisturizers and various other sundries. Well, I was in there buying my favorite hair wax (DeFi – you don’t think my look just happens do you?) the other day when I stumbled upon one of Ricky’s more unusual items; the SVEDKA VODKA WALK OF SHAME KIT!! For $25 bucks the kit includes, deodorant, flip flops, folding sunglasses and dry shampoo among other items to mask incriminating behavior. I personally love this idea but it’s not as much fun as seeing cocktail dresses, wrinkled suits and high heels at 7am.

Apropos of nothing, I’ve had tons of house guests this past week and I don’t even want to begin counting the numbers. But I need to look stylish when new guests come to town. My Canadian guests, Alan and Eva are arriving from Toronto tomorrow. Damn, what will I wear!? Well low and behold, If you’ve been in the village of East Hampton lately you may have noticed lots of bags that say “JOE FRESH.” No, Trader Joe’s hasn’t arrived on the east end (wishful thinking) but rather a chic affordable Canadian apparel company. Now,

I’m sure Fresh Joe won’t like this but I kind of think of them as a Canadian H&M. Located at the site of last years Tumi store on Main St., the company’s web site describes their designs as “stylish, fresh and affordable apparel and accessories for all seasons…. featuring more than 400 items, from chic footwear to the latest in outdoor fashions.” Upon reading their information, I think they may have started their stores in conjunction with grocery stores. Either way, it’s a Wednesday afternoon and the store is jumping. See, there is more to Canada then Celine Dion.

The biggest dangers in the Hamptons!!!

I’ll start off by saying that I haven’t been as dedicated as I should to my happy little blog but between the job, the indigestion and the house guests (#2 as a direct result of the other two) I haven’t had as much time to sit down and hit the keys! So what’s going on???

Well, I had an interesting conversation last week with a young lady who works in one of those walk in clinics we have here in the Hamptons. You know you’ve seen them and consider them your local town doctor. I’ve actually gone to one of them and to be honest and they saved me one nasty winter cold from becoming pneumonia. Anyway, what did I talk about with this young lady who I’ll call “Coffee” because I want to protect her identity and because I’m typing this in the morning and enjoying a certain beverage. So I asked Coffee about what are the most common types of walk-in’s she sees at the clinic… wait I can’t call her Coffee anymore, let’s call her “Ann”… I’m watching The Today Show. What did she say?????

The biggest problem and health issue for folks in the Hamptons is….. drum roll please… DADADADADADDADDDADADADA…. POISON IVY! Yes, folks the weekend gardeners may have their Martha Stewart gardening kits but they can’t seem to identify this three leafed little gift of itch!! Ann told me she sees it all the time, amateur gardeners covered from head to toe with the cute little rash that makes life miserable. We all know what Poison Ivy looks like now don’t we folks? Well I’ve included a photo of the plant here and leave you with this little ditty I learned as a child, “if it has leaves of three, let them be.” I always follow that rule and it’s kept me safe for years. It also saved me $15 dollars when I went to go see that Batman movie and saw it also starred Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy! Leaves of three I let that movie be!

So what’s number 2!? Well if your thinking it has anything to do with the ocean or beach you’re wrong. The number 2 most dangerous activity in the Hamptons is BICYCLING! No, it’s not peddlers getting hit by vehicles that is causing the problem, it’s lack of coordination and lack of padding and helmets that is causing the problem! Yes, it’s a right of summer when weekend warriors put on their spandex cycling shorts and hit the mean streets of the East End. I know it seems like a good thing to do, be in the great outdoors and exercising but there are a lot of pot holes and gravel out there folks. That seems to be the biggest problem! My advice to you for a safer summer? I have a saying for this too, “If it has wheels of two find one that don’t moo (ve).” Yeah, go to a spin class and go outside on a hike later… and make sure to avoid the poison ivy! But be safe, besides I see the way most people drive out here… It’s not pretty folks! Enjoy the rest of the holiday week!

Southampton’s latest spin studio!

It’s seems like every day there’s a new spin studio coming to town. Well the latest is in Southampton and it’s called Hard Core Cycling. I haven’t had a chance to go to the new studio but a few of my friends have said it’s awesome. They feature the REAL-RYDER bikes which actually turn and move and give you a better core workout than your standard spin bike. According to their website, ”

CORE Leaders will guide you through moves, and turns that will begin to strengthen and condition your body, while practicing the fundamentals of CORE training, form and balance. Here, you will train and elevate your performance to get to that next level.” Classes start at about $25 and are less if you buy multiple passes. Located on Rt. 27 and North Sea Rd. Check out their website for more details.


Thanks to my friend Peter McCracken for his contribution (he wrote it) of today’s blog!!! Shelter Island scares me but luckily I have Peter to guide me from the north to south ferries:

I had dinner at the new La Maison Blanche, formerly the Olde Country Inn, on Shelter Island. The newly renovated Inn & restaurant was fresh and up to date with a bistro style restaurant. The restaurant and lounge has a modern beach chic twist to it and a handsome crowd. The menu includes fresh local seafood and the always favorite steak frites. The bar, small but intimate, has a fireplace and a separate lounge with comfortable seating areas. There is also a large front porch with seating. The best feature is the new bakery that features fresh brewed coffee, pain au chocolate, croissants and baguettes freshly baked each morning starting at 6:00 a.m. There are 8 comfortable rooms with queen or king size beds if you wish to stay over. A soon to be addition will be the pool located in the garden…next summer! A new treat for Shelter Island and soon to be a popular hang out!

I think Peter liked it!!!