Harbor Frost Saturday…. it’s raining but the streets are packed!

Well despite the rain and the lousy weather the streets are packed in Sag Harbor today for Harbor Frost. The afternoon started with “Fire and Ice” sculting frozen figures on each end of main street followed by the start of the Culinary Tour and ….dadadadadadadad (drum roll) Polar Bear Plunge! Yes, a few lunatics decided to jump into the water this afternoon and enjoy the frigid waters of Sag Harbor Bay. It was all to benefit the Sag Harbor Hysterical Society which helps local families in need. A special thanks to Charlie Canavan for pulling this together.

If you look closely you’ll see some of the towns more colorful locals and one network morning anchor. Yep, that’s the Today Show’s Matt Lauer. A special thanks to my second string reporter and real estate agent Richard Kudlak for helping me with this video! By the way, what a great idea this Harbor Frost thing is! Whoever had the idea is a genius!!

Rodent sees shadow and Sag is trying to make Winter fun!

Whenever I try to think about Groundhog Day, I always get the feeling the results are never right! But then again I think this holiday was best described by Bill Murray’s character Phil in GROUNDHOG DAY.

“RITA:” You’re missing all the fun. These people are great! Some of them have been partying all night long. They sing songs til they get too cold and then they go sit by the fire and get warm and then they come back and sing some more.
“PHIL:” Yeah, they’re HICKS Rita.

Hmmmm, I think Bill was right but still everyone, even sophisticated types ask, “Did THE Groundhog see his shadow?” Well stop holding your breath… the groundhog in question Punxatony (do you really care if I spell this right?)didn’t see his shadow. So now Phil will have some free time to go see “Black Swan” or was it look at a black swan, hmmmmmmm? Anyway according to legend we can all head to the beach next week!

Well until next week when we can put on our Bikinis you can indulge in Sag Harbor’s first “Harbor Frost!” The village will be hosting Ice Sculpting ,” Fireworks by Grucci, “Fire and Ice” promotions at retailers, $20.11 prix fixe menus, a POLAR BEAR PLUNGE OFF LONG WARF and what I see as the highlight… a walking historical ghost tour of Sag Harbor Village.

Yeah, we know it seems more like a Halloween event than Groundhog day time but I still watch Ghost Hunters in August! That’s why I, along with the rest of the Sag Harbor Prudential Douglas Elliman office will be sponsoring a FREE tour which will start at 6:45p sharp in our office at 138 Main St. The tour will be led by Tony Garro of the Sag Harbor Historical Society and Annette Hinkle from the Sag Harbor express. In addition to our two leaders, we’ll have a spiritualist who will help us get some additional dirt from those who are currently six feet under the dirt!!!

One the properties we’re hoping to visit will be the former home of Robertson Realty, PDE and now currently Wellnest on Main Street. Several sane agents who I know and
respect have told me creepy tales of doors slamming, items moving and a very old woman who likes to hang out dressed in 19Th Century dress on the third floor. It’s really creepy stuff and to be honest, I’ve heard it from too many people to totally think it’s just one persons imagination. So come join us Saturday 6:45p while we party with Gozer and the Key Master!!!

For more details on Harborfest go to the following link for more details: http://bit.ly/ew7wkI

Finally two quick blind items about Hamptons real estate
This agent definitely likes Brown but should actually be afraid of blue and especially those folks in blue who’ve been put on notice. Apparently when said agent left their last gig at another company the cops in blue were called in to stand by in case. Management thought said peRson was a little off and might try something a bit wacky! Any guesses?

Now number two; this agent may look like his/her two dogs but that doesn’t mean they’re cute and lovable. In fact this person goes to the E. Hampton dog park and always seems to start a scuffle. Now dog lovers are running the other way every time this newly promoted agent comes by. YEAH, YOU KNOW WHO!

Call it the Baby Jessica event of the Hamptons… or the Chilean Dog Minor of East Hampton!! TV Movie is soon to follow!!

Who said there is no excitement in the Hamptons in the winter. Take the following case of the mischievous Beagle mix known as Russell. This morning as I was finishing my final cup of coffee before heading out the door and emergency arose. NO, it had nothing to do with Ann Currie saying something inane again on the Today show. It involved a loud bark coming from the back yard.

As I went outside, I saw my trusty and well behaved girl Boo digging away at the side of the pool house! What was she doing?? Wait there’s another bark coming from… GASP…. underneath the pool house!!! Oh my god, I had visions of Jo Beth Williams somehow working her way into a TV version of what could be a truly tragic event!!! “BABY JESSICA 2; RUSSELL’S TRAPPED!” The air was filled with tension and suspense. But as often is the case in times of tragedy, the spirit of man causes him to rise to the occasion. WE ARE ALL HEROES DEEP DOWN INSIDE (cue David Bowie song)!

Luckily my trusty house manager Daniel Strohmeir was there with crow bar in hand. If you know me well, you know why I often owe mine, Boo, Peter and Russell’s very survival to Daniel. This morning all of our lives came crashing together in what could have been a tragedy!! In all seriousness for a second, I got scared when the little guy stopped barking for a few minutes. I actually got a shiver thinking what if somehow Russell really got himself hurt down… choking or suffocating! Yikes, maybe I should have called the fire department. I mean they rescue cats out of trees right?!

No, never call the fire department or the police in the Hamptons unless it’s an absolute emergency. Because knowing my luck Russell would pop out the minute I did and I would end up being disgraced in the community fire/police blotter as the neurotic crack pot who called over his dog chasing a rabbit under a pool house. Read the Hamptons police blotters and you learn so much about the community. My favorite of late was the gentleman crackpot on Georgica beach who called 911 after a dog owner forgot to pick up some poop! It’s a true story and no it wasn’t me. I was on a cruise and have proof to back my claims. Now back to the rabbit chasing Russell. Did I say he was chasing a rabbit before?! Well that’s my theory anyway.
Anyway, after about 90 minutes of tension, tears and fears. Russell was liberated thanks to a quickly kicked and pulled hole in the floor. Russell didn’t say much about his ordeal after the liberation. But I have noticed he’s all of a sudden taken an interest in the New York City Marathon website. Is his surfing of said website an indication he’s planning to run like a certain Chilean Miner next fall! ONLY TIME WILL TELL!! By the way, I think I want Doug Savant to play me in the TV version, don’t you think that’s good casting?! (photo of a concerned Boo, eager to help-she did actually start digging a hole and ripping shingles off the house)

Finally some quick Almond update gossip. Rumors are floating that Eric Lemonides will take almond into… ta dah… BOBBY VANS. While I really doubt that scenerio big time. My bets are going to COPA around the corner. The School Street restaurant has been kind of quiet lately. It’s just my theory anyway!

Ok something nice about this weather! Yes, that is my finger!!! PLUS MUSINGS ON WHY BEAGLES ARE JUST BAD!!!!

I know I’ve been bad about blogging here but I promise I’ll be better in 2011! Anyway, as you can see by the photo, the Hamptons CAN be fun in the winter. This is the Buckskill Skating Club, located on yes… you guessed right.. Buckskill Rd. in East Hampton. My suggestion though is if you’re not under 9 years old (which I am not, although some say I look young for my age) go during the week when it’s not so crowded with daredevil youngsters. I mean I don’t want to break a hip or anything!! Not that I would since I’m so young. I wrote about this last year and how for about $20 you can rent skates, exercise outside and breathe some fresh air.

Now on to other topics. Real quick, rumors galore about what restaurants are moving where. Let me tell you I’m hearing from a reliable source that Bamboo is not becoming ALMOND. Apparently there will be a new sushi restaurant in the location and they’re souping up the place and hoping to be open before April.

The other rumor about NICHOL’S.. they are still very much open and the food is actually as good as before and perhaps even a little better and less greasy! I know that’s a turn off for some.
Finally, here is Russell. He’s my recently adopted BEAGLE/JACK RUSSELL TERRIER mix. He’s apparently got a new hobby. He likes running back and forth over the invisible fence and giving him self a little jolt! I can’t figure it out why he continues to do this! Anyone having any suggestions I’ll be happy to hear them.

Finally, what Hamptons real estate agent WAS actually a female prison guard. We all know she looks the part but did you know she REALLY WAS a guard!??? I’m just asking!