So you ran to the store and you bought all the eggs, bread and milk you could find and now you’re eating French toast for dinner.    You was had people!  Yep, after much hype and hoopla , the blizzard that wasn’t hit the East End.

EH Main St. after “Fluffy”

Forecasters were so convinced of this snowpocalypse that they even gave it a name.   I can’t remember what it was and it’s a good thing.    As we all know, it was a big snooze here.    While we did have some icing roads and a power outage in The Springs, the most significant impact of the storm I’m now calling “Fluffy” was a down tree in the middle of Main Street East Hampton.    So there you have it, now it’s time for spring to begin.


Sag Harbor needs lots of things… a shoe repair shop, a great day spa, a doggy day care or even a Cheesecake Factory or Outback Steakhouse as discussed in previous blogs.

Another bank..

One thing they don’t need is another bank.    Well guess what Hamptons folks, your prayers have once again been ignored.   JP Morgan Chase has set its sites on the location once occupied by Capital One.   An application has been made with the Village of Sag Harbor to obtain a “Certificate of Appropriateness from the Village Board of Historic Preservation and Architectural Review.”     I personally will benefit from the fact I don’t have to pay a service fee for ATMs in town since I bank at Manufacturers Hanover….err I mean Chemical Bank…. I mean Chase.    But a bank?!  How boring… like a real estate office.

99 of these puppies left!

Beach Permits…  you can’t live with them and you can’t live without ’em.    But while Southampton Village and Flanders Village continues to sell permits in unlimited numbers, the can’t be said of East Hampton Village.    So, how many are left?   According to my top secret reconnaissance (i.e. I made a phone call) there are only 100 passes are left!  So take two minutes and go online here and get your beach pass, otherwise you might as well go to Ocean City, MD.  I would have insulted New Jersey here but my family keeps getting nasty about my blog posts!  OOOPS… I meant to give you the link to get your passes online!  Yep you can do that by clicking here.



Snowpocalypse… Snowmageddon….. Blizzard ’15. Here are the pictures!

OK, so this is a good transition blog for me.   I took some time off to recharge my creative juices.     So look for a new blog tomorrow.  I promise.  In the meantime, I took a drive around town so you don’t have to go outside.

Yes……. I have to include Bella and Russell!