I know I’ve been a bit remiss in writing my blog this summer. But while I’m sure none of you lost sleep awaiting my latest post, at least know you’re always reading something relatively fresh. I mean how easy would it be to turn this into a “Men’s Health” type blog where I just repeat the same old stories with different fonts over and over again. “How lose 20 lbs by Labor Day, How to Have Your Best Summer Ever, Bathing Suits for Every Build.” Blah Blah Blah.
In the meantime, I have so many things I wanted to write about over the course of the past few months but I never had time to put finger to key or at least the focus. So rather than do one long coherent post, I’m just going to let it all out. So, now here are my observations during the summer of ’17 on the East End and my hopes for next year.

- Next summer, I will be hooking up a for pay wi-fi system at my house. The first 24 hours are free, after that it’s $99.00 a day. I mean are you here to visit me or watch Netflix?!
- “Casual” in the Hamptons means only 3 people insult your outfit.
- It’s really not cool to gasp at another person’s sunburn. Yes, it hurts and the look of horror doesn’t help in any way what soever.
- How does one get a speeding ticket on Rt. 27 in the Summer????
- If you’re under 5’1” then maybe driving a Range Rover two days a week for three months a year isn’t really a good idea. Doing it while texting is an ever worse idea. May I suggest maybe getting a Smart Car and leaving the phone on the seat beside you!?
- When driving west, isn’t it a little weird that Stephen Hands is so close to Daniels Hole?
- My favorite overheard conversation at the Golden Pear, “She wore Lululemon to her f*****g wedding!”
- Next year, I dare restaurants in the Hamptons to offer discounts for people who leave their smart phones in the car! I really think it would actually improve things more than you think.
- Speaking of restaurants… I’m sorry but if I am paying more than $25 for an entree, I don’t want to hear your kids screaming in my ears at dinner. If you can afford the entree you can afford a baby sitter for an hour.
- Finally, September is really the best month in the Hamptons. But please don’t tell anyone or write a stupid blog telling others. Let’s just keep it between us.