$140,00,000 and there is NO neighborhood block party?!

In the unlikely case your cocktail conversations have been focusing on such trivial matters such as terrorism, global warming or even Donald Trump.. instead of Hamptons real estate,  you might not have heard the  interesting news.   Entrepreneur Chris Whittle has put his East Hampton home on the market for a bargain price of $140 Million dollars.   While I’m not sure if the house comes furnished at that price or if he’s leaving the toaster oven, there are some who’d rather write a check with a few less zeros for their Hamptons home by the water.    So if you love the smell of salt air in the morning, where do you go without spending a fortune?   Luckily, Hamptons Chatter is here to guide you with a proverbial divining rod for some homes near water that won’t break the bank.  Because I’d rather spend my extra $140 million dollars on something more sensible like an I-tunes gift card, I’ve explored other options with slightly less intimidating price tags.

Amagansett Dunes – It’s like the nicest parts of the Jersey Shore and it’s not in New Jersey.  Causual summer living (think flip flops and t-shirts 24/7) and a quick stroll, skip or even levitation to beautiful ocean beaches is the real draw here.  While the lots can be small and not everyone has a pool, this is all about the beach.  Look to spend about 1.1 to 1.5 million for a comfortable home in the area.

Amagansett Dunes: H34948

Waterside Communities (Pine Neck, Whalebone Landing, Southampton Shores, Northampton Colony) –  Located about 10 minutes outside of Sag Harbor village off of Noyac Rd., these areas are all about community.    Community bay beaches, community docks and community club houses are a few of the features that attract buyers to this area.   The sunsets on Noyac bay are also spectacular and the icing on the cake.  Yet, for some folks the neighborly feel might seem a bit intrusive or suburban.   Look to spend about $1.0 million to get into the neighborhood and as much as $10,000,000 for one of the current waterfront listings.

Shinnecock Hills – Spectacular views and the fact it’s nestled between the villages of Southampton and Hampton Bays is only part of the big draw in this community.    One of the biggest draws for the growing popularity of this area is the time saving factor during those crazy weekends when Route 27 looks like a parking lot.     Considering you can get a waterfront with view for around $2.5… that’s a savings of $137,500,000 if you were thinking about that “other” waterfront.

A few more areas you might find worth visiting are the Redwood section of Sag Harbor, close to the village and with views and great water for the boater.    There is also Lions Head and Clearwater Beach areas of East Hampton.   Community beaches, views of the sound and some deep water docking are the big draw for this area located outside the village of East Hampton.    It also has several of the best waterfront dining spots in all of the Hamptons including Bay Kitchen and Harbor Bistro right in the hood.    Yes, I know there are other areas that are certainly worth mentioning but these few are the ones that I think are a good bang for the buck.   I’m only one guy without an editor and this ain’t my full time gig, so don’t get your panties in a bunch folks.   If you want another neighborhood mentioned in a blog, feel free to go write it!  I mean that in the nicest way possible! Sort of.

Meanwhile, it doesn’t matter if you’re buying a big ticket house or a little cottage, if you want to get financing from a bank… you better have good credit.  So how do you know if you have good credit?   Luckily credit expert Andrea Kent took some time out of her day to give Hamptons Chatter a quick tutorial on understanding your credit.

If you would like to contact Andrea for more information or about credit repair… you can e mail her at

UPDATE:  Sorry last weeks finalist for the $500 holiday gift certificate goes to the staff at Baron’s Cove who submitted their holiday tree for the Hamptons Chatter holiday contest.  If you want to enter the contest, send your photos to  Finalist will be anoounced each week with the grand price being announced on December 1st.    And no, you can’t send me a picture of someone else’s tree!

The tree at Baron’s Cove – Sag Harbor!



Avoid the Soulpsychos …. Plus, the Latest Threat to Property Values!

While we still lament the departure of Tiffany a few weeks ago. We (royal) are taking solace in the fact that there is actually something cool that took its place.   I mean, it could have been a Kardashian pop-up or worse yet another real estate office!  But alas, that’s not what we got! Instead we have something to make the Hamptons a little more civilized on Saturday and Sunday mornings during the season, Peloton!   OK, what exactly is Peloton?   It’s the cure for the overly aggressive Lululemon wearing…. Range Rover driving… Vitamin water drinking…. Soul Psychos!   Rather than jockeying online to reserve a spot at an overly crowded spin class, you can instead buy one of Peloton’s bikes for about $2000, pay a small monthly membership and join in via-video for one of a dozen or so classes a day live from New York City!    The bikes come with a video screen where you monitor the class and have your stats sent back to the studio, so don’t try reading the paper while you pedal.    They’ll know if your sweating or riding like your grandmother!   I took a look at one of the bikes at the store on Main Street East Hampton and this stuff is cool! But don’t worry, if you’re Internet is slow… thank you Optimum…. you can download and store classes on the monitor’s hard drive!     If you’re curious, take a look at this video.    I know I want one of these!  Here’s the link!
Could this be bad for owners of historical homes!

Meanwhile, if your’e fit, you’ll be living longer and if you’re living longer you can protect your property values!  SAYYYYYYY WHAT???!   I kid you not!    As if the real estate market weren’t confusing enough, between potentially rising interest rates and an unpredictable market now you have to worry if someone has died in your home!   OMG!  I can hear it now  “Mrs. Freeling, while my clients love Cuesta Verde, this house is not clear… and my buyers want to offer you 25% off of your asking price!” Now, I don’t know about you but I’m not sure I buy the whole ghost thing.  I’ve only seen one in my life and that was after taking an ambien with a margarita!    If you think I’m joking, check out the website!    I know it’s a very catchy name, right?  Its kind of like listing your home on!

Finally, some new restaurant reports coming later in the week!   Plus…. go see Conviction at Bay Street Theater!   Some of the best performances of any show on any stage anywhere!


Design of the TImes!

So everyday, I have people ask me, “why hasn’t my house rented/sold!?”    While I’ve spoken about things like pricing, marketing and bad agents there is also one that comes up often.  It’s the house that hasn’t had a make over in 20 years.   While there are some savvy home buyers who can see the potential with any house with good bones, most can’t see through the chipping paint, worn out carpeting and dated furniture.

So what can you do to make your home more marketable?  Well you can hire an interior designer or home stager for one.  One of my friends who also happens to be MY home designer Drew McGukin (I may be stylish but my taste in home decor is a bit “off” so I hired him) recently stopped by to discuss what is “in” and what is “out” in home furnishings.   He also gave me some great ideas for what’s in , what’s out and where to get the best bang for your buck!   I hope you find this as fun to watch as I had talking with him…