It’s a tale of two tacos and a little shoe business!

Well the hustling and bustling continues with all of the shops and restaurants on the East End as the countdown continues to the Memorial Day Weekend. One of the more industrious projects seems to be taking place at the site of the former Almond and Woodshed Inn. According to a source, permits were made with the town to turn the location into a sports bar and Mexican restaurant. It is allegedly being done by a group from up the island and they plan to name the place “AGAVE.” There was some environmental issues that needed to be worked out and that’s how I was alerted. Now, if that name sounds familiar yes, there is one in the city on lower 7th Avenue and there was also one in Sag Harbor. I don’t think this particular venue will have any affiliation with the aforementioned businesses but at the very least it can’t be any worse than BLUE PARROT (Bon Jovi’s place). So, will the Hamptons finally get good Mexican food? Stay tuned!

Now, since I’ve mentioned it to a few folks the constant question seems to be.. “what’s a Mexican – sports bar?” It’s a place with Tacos and TV sets… or maybe just burritos. Who knows!

Finally, I got my shoes back from Dutch Girl Cleaners at the King Kullen in Bridehampton. They did a really good job! They rep laced the soles on my driving shoes and polished and fixed two others. All in all a big thumbs up. So yes Virginia, you can get a decent shoe repair in the Hamptons!

A day of discovery in Sag Harbor!

First I’m telling you the rumors about the demise of La Maison formerly known as JLX Bistro are greatly exaggerated. The brown paper is off the windows and it looks as the if the restaurant run by the folks who bring you Trata will be back another year! For a time there everyone from Almond to Le Circ were rumored to be going into the spot but alas all were wrong. I stopped by and asked one of the head honchos there what the deal was and he told me La Maison will be open again for business the first weekend in May. Now, maybe this year I’ll actually go in and try the food!

Secondly, since moving into the Hamptons full time I’ve had 3 major complaints:

1) There isn’t anywhere to get shoes repaired east of the canal.

2) The movie theatres have the worst selection and options of anywhere on the planet (I swear March of the Penguins played for 3 years in East Hampton).

3) The only Tasti-D-Lite outlet (The Brown Bag in EH) is now a Sunglass Hut or something! There’s no low fat yogurt/ice cream anywhere to be found!!!

Well, now I think I have answers or at least mild solutions to two of my issues. 1– I hear that they do shoe repair in King Kullen in Bridgehampton. I dropped off 3 pairs last week 2 Ferragamo’s and beat up Prada. I’ll let you know how they do. Issue #3… they sell ONLY 8 – no fat, low carb, low calorie ice cream (or frozen pvc) at the Ice Cream shop in Sag Harbor. It’s right next to Vincenzo’s Pizza! Thank goodness… I don’t have to travel all the way into the city for frozen chemically tasting stuff anymore. According to the Only 8 website, a half cup only has 32 calories. If that’s the calorie count, I can deal with the funky taste.