How to de-haunt your house… some restaurant obits.. and Bieberfever to hit the Hamptons?

I don’t know what to say, I’m so annoyed at myself for neglecting my little blog. At one point I was getting about 300 to 400 hits a day but alas, I took a few weeks off due to a cold, exhaustion and creative drain. You don’t think this blog just writes itself do you??! So how can I make it up to you? I’m not sure but here it goes.

Sad news… very sad news….one of East Hamptons favorite spots Turtle Crossing is no more! But more on that in a minute… also sad… La Fondita, the best Mexican food in the Hamptons will soon be closed for the season. What’s worse is they won’t be selling their amazing tortilla soup and tacos at Town Line BBQ this winter!! Two years ago it was great to go to town line and have your choice from either menu. I’m sad. I will say that Estia in Sag Harbor actually has some pretty good Mexican options on their menu if you’re going into withdrawal. The tacos and the home made chips and guacamole could hold their own at any cantina in the city!

Now, Back to restaurants closing, according to their facebook page “Turtle Crossing” in East Hampton has shuttered their doors for good. Sad news! They’ve entered the zone of restaurants past along with … here’s a shocker… RUGOSA! What there wasn’t a demand for “roast pheasant in plumb sauce” in the Hamptons!?” We all knew Rugosa’s location there is a little jinxed or at least haunted. And speaking of…

So, this may be a day late and a dollar short but a website called is offering some tips on how to keep your house from being haunted! What are some of their ideas? Nail a horseshoe over the front door! WHAT?!!! HAVE THESE PEOPLE EVER SEEN A ROADRUNNER CARTOON!? Horsehoes are deadly! How about a nice MEZEZUAH instead? Yep, that’s one of their suggestions too. Along with painting the porch “Haint” blue, because it resembles water and ghosts are apparently afraid of water. Hmmmm… ok.

Also, make sure your stairs don’t have a number that is divisible by 3! This is of course the Filipino tradition of “Oro, Platta, Mata.” Of course we knew about that already. Divide by three? I’d be better at calculating 3% or 6% for that matter (realtor humor)! Anyway, if you want to read more… go the website and check it out and click in the blogs section. By the way, I hear Murph’s in Sag Harbor is allegedly haunted. I don’t think they need to paint the porch blue if they want to get rid of the ghouls in that place, they just need to raise the prices!!!

Finally, is it true or not? A broker friend of mine allegedy got a call from some guy who says he works for Justin Bieber. Apparently the Biebster is looking to find a house in the Hamptons. Fashon trend alert, tupperware bowl cuts for everyone!!! Oh the humanity!

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