Sag Harbor has a new culinary Muse!

I thought I was done for the year but like Al Pacino in GODFATHER III, “they keep bringing me back!” I’m not sure who the “they” are but I guess it’s the fact this week has been so darn busy on the East End. It’s like July trying to find a parking space in any of the villages. So now back to the news… good news folks… the former JLX Bistro/Pommes Cafe

(I had to use JLX because I don’t think anyone knew the Pommes Cafe) will soon be taken over by the folks behind MUSE in Water Mill. Chef Chef Matthew Guiffrida will be bringing his unique and diverse menu to one of the best locations in Sag Harbor. Let’s just hope he brings his amazing fondue… YES FONDUE… from MUSE to the new location. Yeah, I know fondue is not something that will help me win any “hard body” contest!

Located on the end of Main St., the space has gone through several incarnations over the past few years. But I think it has more to do with bad management than it being a bad location. Besides, if anyone can make this work I’m convinced Guiffrida can do it. I’ve always loved MUSE but since I live in East Hampton, found the trek to Water Mill a little much especially in the summer. So, I’m thrilled he’s taking over this space in Sag Harbor. In fact, I asked Matthew if he’ll be doing any of his cooking classes in Sag Harbor and he said, yes! He also told me his menu will be similar to that of MUSE but with a few more pasta and seafood dishes added.

Speaking of the man behind the stove, Matthew Guiffrida if any one of my friends who still works in television reads this blog, take note! Who was one of the first people to give Bobby Flay a gig on TV?! You’re right, it was ME! Well let me tell you Guiffrida should be your next food segment booking. I went to his cooking class and not only was it an amazing night of food and wine… LOTS OF WINE ACTUALLY… but Matthew is charming, funny and fast. He should be doing television! Matthew good luck with the new place and make sure we get invited to that opening hopefully this March!

Now for a little bit of bad news. It seems the restaurant that was the BEACH HOUSE is no longer. What started out in my opinion one of the best new restaurants of Summer 2011 has become a victim of the off season blues. According to owner Michael Gluckman, he may be back in another

incarnation soon. I’m hoping so and I’m also hoping the new restaurant serves what I thought was some of the best TUNA TAR TARE around. Ok, hopefully I’m done… and done with blogging about food. I’m going back to the gym this afternoon and hopefully I’ll blog more about working out in 2012!!! Wish me luck!

Noise pollution will hit a new high in the Hamptons! Mistuh Sheffieeeeeld!!! Plus, playboy bunnies at the Beachhouse?!!

This Sunday, comedienne and actress Fran Dresher will be screeching in East Hampton for a good cause. The Father’s Day Family Fun event will benefit Fran’s cancer prevention organization, Cancer Schmancer, while also celebrating her new TV show and Cancer Schmancer’s WE THE FUTURE youth program. Featuring live music, food, viewing of the US Open, video games, a castle bounce and many more fun activities for both parents and children, this event offers the perfect outlet for Father’s Day fun. Tickets can be purchased on their website! The event will be honoring local businessman and Enclave Inn owner Michael Wudyka as “Father of the Year.”

Also this weekend the Beachhouse (how do I spell this anyway) will be launching their Saturday Tea Dance. You know I’ve been talking a lot about the Beachhouse because it’s close to my house and it’s a great space. I know the gang over there have been negotiating with DJ Lady Bunny to host the event. Yes, the same DJ Bunny who hosted my friends Bill and Sue’s wedding where his Palm Beach Mother remarked “that woman is wearing too much make up.” I JUST FOUND OUT SHE WON’T BE THERE THIS WEEKEND… BUT WHO KNOWS ABOUT NEXT.  Featuring drink specials and I think a custom bar menu it should be a blast. So what’s the space like? I went over there the other day and spoke to manager Rory Boothby and videotaped a quick tour. I’m still learning how to do this editing thing but take a look and tell me what you think!?

BY THE WAY TEA DANCE STARTS AT 4PM No, not about my editing about the space. You’re a critical bunch.

Quote of the week. A friend of mine had a customer who asked about a property on Mulford Lane in Amagansett. When his customers asked about the neighborhood he quickly responded “go to google earth and zoom in real close. You see the roof in the middle of the water, someone bought that as a waterfront a few years ago.” They have an appointment to see the house on Saturday. Now that’s a waterfront!!!

Southamptons is getting a little more social!!! And one of my greatest Hamptons discoveries ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well by now we all know the tales of Ed (Jean Luc) Kleefeld… his restaurants JL East, JL Bistro, Madame Tong’s and Prime 103 and their lasting legacy of cobwebs and unused commerical space. Well 2011 is a very good year for former some of the best old “JL” properties.

First, Michael Gluckman and his management team including Rory Boothby successfully launched “The Beach House” last week. A sort of spin off to their already successful “Boat House” off Three Mile Harbor. It was the opening of the year so far when they toasted Cinco De Mayo last Thursday! The cars were lined up and down Montauk Highway and of course our local men in blue were there to issue tickets. Yes, tis the season! It was wall to wall people there to see the new and improved space that was once PRIME 103 and JL East. The new menu gets a big thumbs up for some real crowd pleasing dishes (as opposed to the impossible menu at Southfork Kitchen) and the prices that won’t make your eyes pop. I’ll have more about their food and plans for events at “The Beach House” later this week… today’s blog is about the real estate. But one last word, KUDOS for the best opening night of the year goes to “The Beach House.”

Now for the property formerly known as Madame Tong’s. With one of the best backyards of any restaurant in the Hamptons, it only makes sense that the building would once again host a hybrid Restaurant/Club. It’s alleged that is exactly what will be the case with the new establishment “The New York Social Club.” According to sources the menu will be more American fair that will morph into a club scene after the dinner hours. I don’t know who the new owners are but I’m told they’re well known NYC club/restaurant owners. Look for more details in then next few days and an opening sometime in late May.

And lastly… according to CURBED.COM, Astoria’s Pomme Café is opening a at the old JLX in Sag Harbor. To many it’s better known as that doomed corner where numerous restaurants have flopped, including La Maison, JLX-Bistro, and Peter Miller’s. I apologize for my earlier blog… where I said La Maison is back… but that’s what the “manager” guy told me.

Now, we all see those free magazines tossed in the lobbies of restaurants, banks and real estate offices all over the Hamptons. Well last week my friend picked up an old copy of Edible East End which was sitting around the house and told me about a small Mexican Deli in Southampton, which features authentic homemade specialties. Well as anybody who reads this blog knows, I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD. I’ve been on a quest to find a good restaurant that serves it…. and while it’s not a restaurant the De Jesus Deli on County Rd. 39 next to PC Richard’s is a HOME RUN! If I were Blue Parrot I would buy my tamales from this little shop on the Highway and serve them. They’re AWESOME and some of the best I’ve ever had. Burritos for rock bottom prices, home made salsas and more are also available. This is an unknown find in the Hamptons. In fact, I went to a Mother’s Day party on Sunday and brought along some vegetable and Pork Tamales, they were the hit of the party. Ok, enough writing… I’m hungry now. It’s time for lunch.

From the Boat to the Beach, the old JL East gets spruced up and ready for the summer!! Announcing the BEACH HOUSE!

It looks like they’re working around the clock to get the former PRIME 103…JL East… Peconic Coast spot into shape for restaurateur Michael Gluckman’s latest, “THE BEACH HOUSE.” I’m told they’re making it similar to their old “The Lodge” with a bit more fish and seafood thrown into the mix. If you’ve never been inside the place, it’s one of the best locations in the Hamptons. According to some, It’s allegedly been mired in litigation and unable to change hands from the man known as Jean Luc (Ed Kleefeld). Don’t you love that, I’m changing my name now too… call me Dash Riprock Fromage! It sounds kind of french and dashing!? Right? Anyway, earlier this year Gluckman unloaded the old Bamboo (Shiki) and started putting forth his efforts into the new location.

You might also remember Gluckman along with manager Rory Boothby ran a very successful afternoon tea dance at the Lodge. According to the latter, look for that to continue at the Beach House this summer. With an amazing outdoor patio and expansive bar space, it should be a bigger and more consistent crowd. Look for an opening sometime in the next 3 weeks.