Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

First off, I admit sometimes this blog is written with type-o’s, spelling and grammatical errors.   WHY?   Because I’m not perfect and I don’t have a copy editor.  It’s just little old me.   I also have a full time job, in case you didn’t know.   So if you get offended by this sort of thing read something else or lighten up.  Besides, I took the money for spelling lessons my mother gave me and bought an Atari!

Now One of the questions I get asked most often from owners is, “would it be ok if I stayed during the showing?”     Well today, I’m addressing that very topic in a glorious color!

Meanwhile… did you know there is a Vilebrequin Shop in East Hampton?  Me either!   While I generally
don’t go meandering around East Hampton Village.  I did the other day and stumbled upon the place.    It’s located in that little ally to the right behind Citta Nuova.    I’m so relieved.   Now I don’t have to travel to St. Barth’s or Southampton to shop for overpriced swimwear!! Yeah!


Finally, a quick question.  Has anyone EVER read a negative restaurant review in that “local publication? ”  Seriously.  I’m asking.

Southampton permits are now on Sale… and a peek at some of those MILLION DOLLAR HAMPTONS RENTALS!

Get cha’ permits!

REMINDER OF THE DAY!  Southampton Village beach permits are now on sale!!  The cost is free for residents, $350 for non residents and $250 for “local non-residents.”   What you need;  a valid registration for your car and for locals a copy of your tax bill or lease with 2 utility bills.   This will allow you access to park at Coopers Beach, Cryder Lane, Dune Beach (village residents only), Fowler, Gin Lane, Halsey Neck, Roads G and D, Old Town, Wyandanch and Little Plaines Lane.   If you want complete information I suggest you go to the town website.    I’m also including a bonus link to the TOWN of Southampton permit information page!   Oh summer is in the air!

Art is apparently a very good business.   In the latest recorded transfers,

Artist and real estate investor Fischl

artist Eric Fischl has apparently purchased not one, not two, not three but five properties in North Haven.   The properties located in over the river and through the woods total a little over 3 million dollars.   While I have no idea what Fischl and his wife fellow artist April Gornick will be doing with the property located off Ferry Road, I’m dying to know.  If you have any clue fill me in!  Two two have been residents of Sag Harbor for years and both have matching studios here in the Hamptons.

Well It’s May 1st and that means Memorial Day is right around the corner.   In many parts of the country the calendar is marked by the return of various migratory animals.  Here in the Hamptons it’s marked by the migration of the summer renters! In case you didn’t know, the standard rental period for the Hamptons is Memorial Day to Labor Day.  It’s also the time when all of the “masters of the universe” and “glitterati” of tv and film come to rest their weary heads.     Well if you’ve ever wondered how celebrities like Mariah Carey, Beyonce and others live when they’re hanging with Martha, Howard and Puffy… wonder no longer.   I’ve dug deep and come up with some of my favorite MILLION DOLLAR* HAMPTON RENTALS!*or rentals that can at least be priced in terms of millions, i.e. 1/4 of a million, 1/2 million, 8/10ths of a million!


I’m telling you there’s less than 100 Beach permits left for East Hampton Village!!! Plus some links to help you get your feet wet and sandy!

It looks nice this picture… doesn’t it??! Well if you don’t hurry, forget it!! If you weren’t already aware, full-season resident and non-resident permits are available now! Non-resident permits are limited in number and are issued on a first-come, first-serve basis. And as of today, there are only about 60 permits left (according to the woman at Village Hall I spoke with)>

Permits are available in person at Village Hall from 9-4pm! It’s too late to do this by mail in my opinion. Both residents and non-residents must provide; a copy of a valid vehicle registration , drivers license, street address and owner of the property as listed on their tax bill as well as proof of residency
Non-residents must also provide a check or money order in the amount of $325 per vehicle, payable to “Village of East Hampton” . Here is the link if you need more information:

Meanwhile, for Southampton village, East Hampton town and Southampton town; permits are not limited so you can rest a little easier. But here are the links you may need for information on all of this!

Beach permits for EH Town cost is about $350.00 for non-residents $25 for resident, yeah, it used to be free.

Now for Southampton information:

SH Village is free for village residents, $200 for town residents and $350 for non residents.

SH Town $30 for residents and $225 for non residents.

Most beaches have day passes available, check out the websites to find out which beaches have that option.

Now, finally every year I get a new bunch of folks who are coming out to rent in the Hamptons for the first time. So, here it is. Some of the stuff you need to read before you go to the Hamptons. When you rent a house, most payments are half at the signing of the lease and the rest a week or so BEFORE you move in. Don’t worry about the commission, the landlord pays that. So, in turn don’t forget your agent is working for the landlord.

As for the expenses, the following are all usually paid for by the tenant unless you have a really generous landlord. Phone, cable TV, electric, gas, lawn care, pool maintenance, maid service/cleaning, trash pick up (or you can go to the dump)and cleaning supplies. This is a general rule of thumb. Are there some landlords who will pay for all this? Sure, the same landlords who leave mints on your pillow are the same ones who pay for all of this. If you don’t want to deal with all of this, there are some great B+B’s out east… just google! I’m glad to be back!!