Weekend Wrap-up; Renting Sight Unseen… Winter of Our Discontent Continues!

So, it was another snowy weekend here on the East End.    The snow, the ice, the frigid cold and the general lousy weather continues here in the Hamptons.     While internet activity for rentals and sales still remains strong and steady,  the number of people willing to trek through snow and frigid temps is dwindling.    This in turn has led to a number of rentals actually being rented sight unseen.

Rapid Rescue… lifesavers!  Yep, that’s my car!

One broker I spoke with “E” said it, “makes me very nervous.”    Renting from a picture which could have very well been photo-shopped is a bad idea.    Another agent “G” indicated that they’re seeing tenants from previous seasons going back to the house they rented last year so they don’t have to come back out and look again.    Speaking to my cadre (aren’t you impressed with my vocabulary?) of experienced brokers and agents, the weather continues to put somewhat of a damper on the Hamptons market.   That being said, once the snow melts they’re expecting an explosion of activity….  because phones are ringing and e-emails are being traded back and forth.  So the grade for this weekend was a C+. I really have to go to Florida soon! 

An offer at Guild Hall you can’t refuse!

If you want an example of how difficult it is to get around the Hamptons, look no further than yours truly.     I made the mistake of taking my “4 Wheel” car out last night to pick up some food.    But alas, after one gunning of the accelerator and a slippy driveway I ended up in a snow bank on my own driveway.   I mean with all of the ice, if you don’t see sharp you’ll be flat (read that again).   Anyway, thanks to RAPID RECOVERY and $135,  I finally got my car out this morning.    By the way, I also want to thank my lovely neighbor for trying to pretend he didn’t see.    I wasn’t going to ask for your help anyway!    So for the next few days, keep Rapid Recovery on speed dial, they were great and there in about an hour…(631) 728-7752.

Meanwhile, this week there’s an offer at Guild Hall you can’t refuse.  The East Hampton film society will be presenting a special screening this Thursday night at 7 p.m. of the 1972 classic, “The Godfather.”  Personally I liked the “Godfather II” better but still this flick glues me to the screen every time I catch it on TV.   Tickets are $8.00 for non members.  If you want more information  click here for the website and you can also buy tickets.  So, take it to the mattresses and go get a ticket…. otherwise you may find a horse in your bed!


How cold is it out there?  Well if you’re like me you’ve been glued to local news for “Snowpocalypse 15, The Blizzard of 15 and the This Winter Sucks 15” special coverage.   Yes, if all of those negative numbers on the screen are giving you flashbacks to your Calculus 101 class, you’re not alone.     While the media contuinues scaring the bejeezus out of everyone there is the reality of icy roads and un-shoveled walkways.   With that in mind, it’s no surprise that action on the East End was very quiet this past President’s Day Weekend.   In fact, even a Valentine’s Day over the weekend wasn’t enough to keep restaurant and business owners happy.   The real estate market was much the same this past weekend. A fair amount of action but it would have been better if it didn’t snow!   In spite of article after article about how “all the good Hamptons summer rentals are gone,”  renters and buyers still weren’t willing to put on their boots and trek through waist high drifts to see properties.     I also noticed a slight dip in web traffic this past week maybe due to nobody thinking “beach” when frost bite is imminent.   Maybe everyone was busy with Valentine’s Day or going to see “Fifty Shades of Grey.”     Either way, my cadre of brokers and agents gave this past weekend a solid “C.”  Here’s hoping for a big thaw and warmer temperatures soon.

Doppio…. Last spring


Meanwhile, rumors of the death of Doppio in Sag Harbor have been greatly exaggerated. I for one thought it was pretty much D.O.A. by the end of last summer.   But, according to very reliable sources, the Italian eatery which got off to a promising start last summer is coming back for a second season!     The windows which are currently covered with paper will be peeled back and service will continue for the handful of dedicated customers.   So where did Doppio go wrong last year and how can they make it this season?   The biggest complaint I heard was not about the food but rather the service was terrible.  I guess in my encounters, I always thought there is better food in town with better service… so why bother.    Here’s hoping they pull it together for next year.

Yep… the snow may be deep but you better start thinking about getting your beach permits before you’re stuck going to Asbury Park.   Below are the links you’ll need for enjoying fun in the sun this coming summer!

Beach Permit Links!

East Hampton Village Beach Permits

East Hampton Town Beaches

Southampton Town Beaches

Southampton Village Beach Permits


Doesn’t this scream romance? Murph’s

Happy Valentines Day Weekend everyone!    It’s that time of year when every newspaper and blogger in the Hamptons has ideas about romantic getaways and where to go.   But where do you go when you want to break up? Forget the romance ambiance of 1770 House or East Hampton Grill, take your date to one of these notable locations and you’ll be sure to be single by Monday!

Murphs, Sag Harbor – It’s not that the place isn’t good.   But there is absolutely nothing romantic about this place.  It’s loud, it’s packed and the idea of having a quiet conversation with any sort of privacy is out of the question.    The only way anyone gets romantic there is if the beer goggles are so tight you become oxygen deprived!
Village Hardware, East Hampton – Here’s the way this one goes down.    You buy two tickets to see “Fifty Shades of Grey” at the matinee or 4:00 pm show.   You then promise a nice early romantic dinner after the movie.   After suffering through aforementioned movie, you remark how “hot” you got during the Hardware Store Scene.   You stroll over to Village Hardware so you can buy “a few things.”   When you get to the store, head right to the staple guns!  If your date hasn’t already disappeared then maybe you should.   RUN!
The front door is only a few more feet!

Harlow, Sag Harbor –  Who doesn’t love a nice romantic location!?    Yes, they’re closed for the season…. but if you order this weekend maybe you’ll get your entree by Memorial Day Weekend.   If you want to actually try to have food, stop by the IGA first for two sandwiches and a small bag of Sun Chips.   It’s all about the view right… frost bite or not!

Now for the other part of the weekend that has everyone in a tizzy.   The projected 6” of snow we’re supposed to get this Saturday night into Sunday.  This comes hot on the tail of a  reported “frenzy” for seasonal rentals.   As I said on Monday, so many drives and walkways are covered with hard packed ice, many sellers and homeowners are blocking showings to protect against a potential lawsuit.   Yes some good homes were rented already last fall or by the renters with good snow boots but inventory is still good.     So, don’t believe the hype… sip your hot chocolate, relax and have a wonderful Valentine’s Day Weekend!    Hopefully you won’t be going to Village Hardware or Murph’s!



One of the first questions I get asked every week is “how busy was the weekend?”   Here in the Hamptons, the real estate market (IMHO) really sees most of it’s action Thursdays – Sundays.   It makes sense since we are a secondary home market that most buyers come on the weekends to take a look.   That being said, I’m going to try on Monday mornings to quarterback the weekends activity!   I mean we all get those market reports but in a world where everyone wants instantaneous information this is my attempt to satisfy that need.    From now on every Monday I’ll be posting my “MONDAY MORNING MARKET REPORT.”

The results of this little “report” are not very scientific but I’m trying to make it as accurate as possible.   It is compiled from a cross section of about a dozen broker and agents from different companies and all have more than 5 years in the business and have at least a hand full of listings and are actually earning a living.    It’s a “Hamptons Chatter” exclusive and hopefully more accurate than a Brian Williams special report broadcast but not quite as detailed as PBS’ Newshour.

The weekend of February 6th-8th has traditionally (this time of year) been a slow to moderately busy weekend for Hamptons real estate and this year was pretty much on par with last.    While Internet traffic has been steadily increasing with a a big bump back on MLK weekend, the cold and icy weather put a damper on actual showings and appointments.   Homes with un-plowed drives and walks covered with snow made it difficult for buyers, renters, sellers and agents.     Some agents have also mentioned homeowners concerns with liability issues over icy and dangerous walkways.

Rental traffic has also been effected by the bad weather.   While there is still ample rental inventory, homeowners are choosing to hold out for whole season rentals before breaking down to monthly terms due to the slow traffic.    We can also expect to have more rentals to be added to the market as agents continue to update from 2014.

The above factors have impacted overall activity and influenced it’s grading as a “C” weekend.  This is on a grading system of “A” being extremely busy and an “F” being dead as a door nail.   Look for a jump next weekend as the President’s Day Holiday has traditionally been a busy time for everyone on the East End.

Meanwhile, since so many Hamptonites have been hunkered down and snowed in more times than not these past few days,  I have a suggestion that will make that time in front of the fire and flat screen a little more bearable.   Why not grab a box of wine?   Yes, a box of wine.    But before you roll your eyes, I’m here to tell you these aren’t your “cheese cubes and Ritz crackers” boxes of wines.   With some of the biggest and best vineyards in Europe and California already boxing their potable spirits, it was only a matter of time before Long Island vineyards joined the trend.  If you don’t believe me, check out this article from Edible East End … it’s worth the read!

So remember, stay warm be careful on the icy roads and remember to top that box to get the last drop!  Cheers!