It’s the question I get asked most often and one I’m going to try to tackle. Take a look and if you have any questions, you know how to get in touch.
hamptons real estate
Happy Holidays! On Damark’s… get set… go!
Woah! It’s been a few months since I sat down and pounded away the word salad known as Hamptons Chatter. Tons going on and I haven’t been there for you. Maybe, I’m just feeling vulnerable since the media has been under such scrutiny lately. I mean the last thing in the world I need is to come under attack via an early morning tweet! Yes, I’ve heard this blog is one of the favorites of you know who!
Anyway, in the time it took me to write a new piece, Damark’s Deli has been looking primed for business since mid-summer. But alas every morning after your coffee, reading the NY Times followed by Dan’s Behind The Hedges you came to Hamptons Chatter only to be disappointed that it’s still the same old post. I know! You
paused, and said to your self, “self at least Damark’s deli is opening soon!” But you were disappointed in that too! Well you can finally call the doctor and reduce your meds, I’m back and Damark’s Deli is finally reopened!!! So how is it? Meh. It’s a supermarket. They sell food. They have coffee too. Oh, something that is new… they now have brick oven pizza. It’s no Citarealla but on the upside it’s no Stop and Shop! I will say it’s bright, spacious, clean and probably a big plus for anyone in Springs. (notice I didn’t call it “The Springs). Hours and information are available on their website and in case you were wondering they’ve been around since 1949. The same year that Hamptons Chatter started!
Speaking of food or actually not speaking of food… speaking of booze… the Golden Pear in Bridgehampton now has beer and wine! Prices are pretty much on par with every one else in the Hamptons and the selection is actually pretty good. Although I was a tad disappointed they didn’t offer any Domaine Leflaive Chevalier Montrachet Grand Cru by the glass it’s pretty awesome that you can now sit down with some beer or vino and eat the best mac and cheese on the east end (seriously).
Finally, I’m making a promise to not leave all of you sad and depressed. I’m promise I’ll be a better blogger from now on! By the way… I’m having trouble posting photos. WTF WordPress!?
Mysterious Moves on 27 in East Hampton!
According to their Facebook page, Highway diner in East Hampton has indeed changed hands and the lease was sold to an “very talented group.” There was a lot of speculation about what was to become of the most cursed location in the Hamptons since the Water Mill
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The end of the Highway! |
shopping center! By the way, any news on how West Elm is actually doing? A few weeks ago, some eagle eyed readers noticed there was an ad for waiters and waitresses needed at the diner but nothing much happened. The “Reopening in March” sign came and went and now it’s gone and so is much of the restaurants interior. Construction crews have been there morning till night and it looks like there are some training sessions going on for staff inside. But here’s where the news gets a little more depressing, apparently they are going to open as a new Japanese restaurant…. yes another Asian Restaurant! This I think may be a nail in the coffin of Zokkon which was being operated by the former chef Suki Zuki, which in spite of some really good food, the place appears to be struggling. I just hope for their sake Highway Diner isn’t becoming a Nobu.
I drove by and asked one of the employees in the lot what’s going on and they indeed confirmed a Japanese restaurant. If you got the real inside scoop, please let me know. Here’s the posting on the Facebook page.

Now for the other mystery in East Hampton. Why has there been an East Hampton Town Police car sitting there for the past 2 weeks. There doesn’t appear to be anybody in the car and it sits there empty day after day keeping a very watching eye on the Highway Diner and the green tank! I’m only waiting for someone who is texting and driving to side swipe or hit it. Is it me or is does this seem like an accident waiting to happen? Does anyone know why it’s there?
Do You Make the Cut?! Take the Quiz to See if You Qualify for The Hamptons “A LIST!”
When I was younger, I once asked my mother about one of my friends who always bragged about the money his family had. She told me, “real money whispers, it doesn’t scream.” Hmmmmm….. “does that mean we have money?” She then laughed and said “hardly.” Anyway, I kind of feel the same way about a lot of things. I don’t trust the guy who always claims he’s “honest” and I don’t believe the person who brags about their social status.
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If you booked it 20 minutes ago, you’re A List! |
That being said, It was the late 80’s and I was living in NYC having fun, care free, poor and young. I had no clue about how some people view the world. So, it was a shock to me when one of my close friends at the time announced to me he no longer wished to hang the same haunts with me anymore because, “there are no “A” list people in this crowd.” OK! Who knew New Orleans (where this person lived before NY) was a training ground for New York’s elite. Silly me. Well low and behold that same person is here in the Hamptons and no doubt glomming where ever there is glomming to be done! So that had me thinking. How do you really know if you’re on the “A” list in the Hamptons? After consulting with some of my fave’ Hamptons Chatter consultants I came up with the following quiz to help folks know where they rank in the hierarchy! So take the quiz if you dare! I’ll let you know how you did at the end!
Question 1: It’s a Saturday night in July and you have 2 house guests. There are 4 of you total and you all decide at the last minute to go out to dinner. Do you…
A) Not sweat it, there are like 5 restaurants you can call who will sneak you in!
B) Run over a few minutes early and hope they remember you and get you to the top of the list.
C) Go to the restaurant of choice and put your name on the list and wait.
D) Suggest the Princess Diner.
E) Burger bites to go from the Hess station in Wainscott.
Question 2: When it comes to getting a beach sticker, you….
A) Ask “what’s a beach sticker? I just walk out my door! ”
B) Get a new one and put it on your “beach car” next to the past 5 years of stickers!
C) Don’t need one, we bike!
D) Convince everyone Mastic-Shirley is still the Hamptons and hop in the car!
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Yeah, Mariska is A list! |
Question 3: When discussing Hamptons Magazine or Dan’s, you remind everyone…
A) “I’ve been on the cover.” (or in the case of Dan’s painted the cover)
B) “Been profiled and or been on the “list” more than once!”
C) you were once in party picture, because you “photo bombed Alec Baldwin.”
D) you’ve “never been in Hamptons or Dan’s” but you’re a “regular in the Press police blotter.”
Question 4: Location is everything and your home is …
A) South of the Highway and super close to the beach.
B) Village/Village Fringe and definitely a good hood.
C) A 30 minute drive to town away from it all but really we don’t mind.
D) Can’t really say, they make us move the trailer every two weeks.
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A “C” list event! |
Question 5: My typical Summer Saturday night consists of…
A) Inviting everyone to a fabulous benefit and I’m on the host committee.
B) Going to a fabulous benefit and my friend is on the host committee.
C) Hiding a bottle of booze, grabbing dinner from Citarella and heading to a beach.
D) Going to a dinner followed by Kareoke at my real estate agent’s house.
E) I desperately remain at home, inventing lovers on the phone.
Question 6: How would you best describe the interior of your home?
A) I had a fabulous up and coming designer create a unique style.
B) I had a fabulous up and coming designer help me from DWR/Restoration Hardware.
C) I had a fabulous up and coming designer from Home Goods in Riverhead.
D) I had a fabulous up and coming designer help me who was institutionalized in ’73.
E) I had my mother give me her old furniture.
Question 7: In the Hamptons being spotted with a celebrity is social gold! Would you say you hang with…
A) Madge, Jerry, J-Lo and we rotate hosting!
B) My friend who won a Emmy/Grammy or Tony back in the 80’s/90’s!
C) My friend who was a Real Housewife!
D) Khloe and Kourtney … in fact, I found them their store location!
E) My friend who was a guest on Jerry Springer! But the kid wasn’t his.
Question 8: When traveling to the East End in the summer do you…
Dan’s your gateway to A- List!
A) Stay put at the beach till Labor Day.
B) Have your driver take the back roads on Thursdays and Tuesdays.
C) Take the Ambassador or Luxury Liner.
D) Take the NJ Transit Casino bus to AC with the $15 in free quarters.
Question 9: One institution in the Hamptons is Murph’s Tavern in Sag Harbor. You ….
A) have been a few times with the nanny or tennis instructor so don’t tell my spouse.
B) Remark, “That bar on 114, I went a few times.”
C) Get your mail delivered there!
D) Sniff “Never, someone might see me!”
Question 10: A topic of conversation at dinner is …
A) The difficulty in finding a good personal chef!
B) The difficulty in finding a good caterer!
C) The difficulty in finding good take out food!
D) The A****** on the “B” weekend who keeps stealing your booze out of the refrigerator!
So here’s the key…. A answers are worth 10 points. B- 8 Points C- 7 Points D-6 points
E – minus one point and if none of the answers apply 7.5 points. Now grade yourself like you were back in High School! If you scored…
90-100 –YOU ARE “A” LIST!!! You are Hamptons Royalty and probably shouldn’t be reading this blog. Trust me it’s beneath you.
80-89– You are definitely B-List. I scored an 80 so I made B-List by the hair of my chinny chin chin! So there you have it my friend had every right to dump me! I’m soooo not A-List!
70-79 You are on the C list but loving life and I want to hang with you!
69 and below Can I recommend Wildwood Crest or Seaside Heights?
FINAL SCORING: Minus 90 points if you took this quiz seriously you loser! Otherwise, let me know how you did! Post away!