Remember Tommy Hilfigger opened a flagship store in East Hampton? Well yes it’s gone already. Now I don’t want to mock Tommy (he is a very successful guy) but perhaps this isn’t really his market. I mean it seems to me Ralph Lauren has a lock on the EH public and in fact there are rumors he’s even designing new uniforms for the police and fire department. Ok, the last part is a joke but I can actually see it happening. Anyway, Tommy H is gone and going into his place in case you don’t already know is RESTORATION HARDWARE. I love love love love Restoration Hardware and the biggest reason is because they don’t really sell hardware! I’ve never seen a single hack saw in the place but the furniture, the finishings and everything else rock. It’s opening right on Main St. and the sign in the window says it’s opening in April. Stay tuned.
Now for the food news; Race Lane is back open after a brief hiatus and menu overhaul. The burger is still there, the Branzino is still there and so is the Half Chicken. Also now on the men is an amazing crab cake appetizer, suffed zucchini flower with ricotta, mint and tomato emulsion and a crab cake that is virtually all crab! There ‘s a lot more on the menu at RL (no, not Ralph Lauren- – Race Lane) and the service and atmosphere are top notch. We’re glad to see them back in action.
Meanwhile, Yes I was W-R-O-N-G! Almond didn’t go into the Old Stove Pub as I prophisized but I was told it really was close. In case you didn’t know, they’re going to the old ONE OCEAN, which I remember better as the old JG Mellon’s. I actually worked at JG Mellon’s on the UWS when I first moved to NYC. I’m not sure why they never made it out here. I’m wishing Eric L. and Laura and the entrie crew of Almond luck at their new local. I’ll see you guys soon!