What would you pay for 2 acres south of the highway in Sagaponack? Yes, it has lush vegetation and is located in one of the most expensive zip codes in the country. Before you answer, just know it also has a large building envelope and includes an historic barn that was built in the 1890’s. Oh, it’s also super close to the Sag General store too. Well rather than make you guess I’ll let you read the ad from Zillow. Call me crazy but I think this might be a little aggressive. Look for price reductions soon. No it’s not my listing… it’s a for sale by owner. By the way, if you need to click the financing options button you probably can’t afford it.

Yep, it’s the height of the summer season right now here in the Hamptons. It’s a time for hot hazy days, warm ocean surf and a slew of stars. But not the kind in the sky, the kind that have twitter accounts and get better service at restaurants than you or I. Speaking of which; I’ve been asking some of my friends from the biz (yes, most are bartenders– stop it!) who are some of their favorite famous clientele? Here are a few names that were thrown out. All are noted for being friendly, courteous and above all good tippers.
Paul McCartney – He’s “awesome” said one person and very generous.

Hugh Jackman – He and his wife are super appreciative and friendly according to my sources.
Jimmy Fallon – He and his wife always introduce themselves (seriously) to staff and are friendly and outgoing. Occasionally likes to prank with the staff.
Alec Baldwin – He’s a local and frequent visitor about town, restaurant staff members all remark he’s a “good guy.” They also point out his wife Hilaria is a super sweet.
Howard Stern – Sits in the back of restaurants as to not attract attention, quiet and really nice to everyone from the front to the back of the house. He’s also a very very generous tipper.
Gwyneth Paltrow – Yep, she’s goop and spends tons of money on things that most of us can’t even contemplate (check goop.com) but she’s friendly and shares the wealth with the help. To quote one source, “she doesn’t make a fuss when she comes in.”
Jessica Biel – One story involves some rowdy fans approaching her and her husband (who is apparently also famous) in the middle of dinner. She smiled, posed for selfies and left a nice tip at the end of the meal. Here’s hoping the Timberlake’s buy out here soon. I’m happy to help.

Countess Luann de Lesseps – I don’t watch the housewives… never have… probably never will.. but the buzz around town especially in Sag Harbor is that this lady is just that.
There are a few names I could have put on this list that most waiters and waitresses avoid like the plague. But I’m trying to stay positive, but if you see me in person feel free to ask.